acio liberos ex liberis libris libraque

We continue with cooler temperatures, and my feet have responded by not swelling! Just lovely! I'm very happy that my feet even't swollen in the heat.

I love diving into new books. They are full of adventure and excitement and really wild things_ It's great to find new authors and to share them with friends.  The challenge that I often face is finding other authors to try. Pent of my difficulty is that I am not a big fan of many recent authors we tried several of them and couldn't get into the story. It was dreadful!

Then I found a couple of sites that have the full text of books. They are FADED PAGE.COM and GUTENBERG.ORG They both have out of copyright books so they aren't new. Faded page is a Canadian site, and makes use of Canadian law, which gives copyright as life plus 50 years, so it can take a while before books become available. Books that could be added this year are for authors who died in 1971 and were published by then.

I was delighted to find that several of my favourite authors were there-which tells you a lot about my reading habits.  I noticed today that on Faded Page, there are illustrations not included in a book That's because although the author has been dead for over 50 years; the illustrations have their own copyright and they are still covered:

Project Gutenberg is the venerable site that has been digitizing books for a while now. They have books in multiple languages, while Faded Page tends to be Engush and French.  Gutenberg's selections are taken from a wider cross-section of topics in more languages. They have books and magazines-I've had lots of fun browsing magazines from the 1800's. The advice that they dispensed to women is remarkably similar to currenta publications!

Both sites have large groups of volunteers who will read through the scanned images of the book's text before it's published. Anyone can become a proof-reader; you'd need to sign up on the site. I had registered for both, but after almost 6 months, I'm still at the stage of comparing the scanned image to the photo of the text. The next stage will allow me to highlight changes, then to edit text. I'm not sure how long the process will be.

I'm so delighted to have found these. I can browse through a lot of books, and I've filled out my collection of some authors. As/ noted, the magazines are very similar to current ones.. Then I found some cook books from pre WWI and I was amazed. One was full of advice for a new bride How to stock your kitchen, providing advice on using appliances, choosing an icebox, buying meat and fish and with menu suggestion for different situations. from a week night supper to hosting an elegant dinner party. I just love dipping into the magazines because it's such a wonderful time capsule.

That’s all for now. I fell asleep while composing this, so it’s late being done. Have a great day!


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