Fiat panis

PSA: Leftover food has a definite expiry date and should be consumed long before that! I ate some leftovers that should have been finished a couple of days earlier, and ended up with a minor (thankfully!) attack of tummy wobbles.. It's distressing how that can disrupt your day. There were a few "aftershocks" this morning, and my appetite hasn't returned but that's ok. I'll be fine. Jerry was adorable- I was in the bathroom, battling waves of nausea, and Jerry went to get Don to come and help me! What a good, loving boy!  As we're talking about food, and while my appetite is missing, I wanted to discuss a couple of food-related points.

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a girl who enjoys her meals. In fact, looking back at photos over the years, most are of us (my family or friends and 1) around a table, savouring food. By and large my friends are known to enjoy the combination of good food and lively conversation, and I'm happy to know that I can call upon them and be guaranteed their participation in an impromptu gathering. They are such fun! I remember the (new) wife of a friend, on being introduced to the group of us commented that she'd never met so many strong, intelligent and talented women in one place. I still feel warm and cozy when I remember that compliment!

We're known as. one restaurant as "The Lobster People" because every year for 10 of the last 12 years, we'd go for the annual Lobster Fest, where we'd be a group of 15-30 people, and we would order on average 12-25.  The restaurant we frequented won their chain award for most lobsters sold in a night for 4 years running because of us. We've been so regular that they add complementary items -drinks or desserts-to our order. Isn't that awesome?

There was a restaurant near me until the pandemic forced their closure. I had gone there frequently when I worked downtown and when I was on French language terining, because it was convenient-and the food was delicious. Then I didn't go for a few years. When I went hack, the owner not only remembered me, he also remembered my preferred dinner item! I'd been there fairly regularly for a while, until the pandemic hit and then I got the news that they were closed. I later learnt that they had opened a little store with a few food items, and I introduced them to some friends. Gotta love sharing food places!

I love dim sum, and I particularly enjoy introducing it to new people. It's a lovely sharing experience, even for people with some food concerns. My favourite dim sum place is so consistently good, even when we try other of their dishes, that it's challenging to try other restaurants. But we do, especially for the days when the favourite is crowded and the wait is 2 + hours! Similar to dim sum, I also enjoy tapas (my old favourite closed after the owner's retirement, but luckily his wife opened a tapas place that’s much closer to me!) and mezze. There are 2 very good places that I enjoy for this.

I'll probably be hounded out of town for this, but I've found that some of the priciest restaurants do not offer a pleasantly memorable experience. There is something that-to me, anyway-reduces the enjoyment of a meal if the dishes try too hard to be pretentious, with more of a focus on presentation than flavour.. I also know that wine can enhance a dish, and lift a meal from ordinary to awesome, but if the wine is necessary to get the full flavour of a dish, then I think the restaurant has failed. I should be able to fully enjoy my meal if it's accompanied by water; yes, there’s a bump up with the wine, i admit.

My biggest regret in Ottawa-a city that has developed an impressive restaurant culture in recent years-is the woeful lack of good Caribbean restaurants serving unwaveringly good roti. Given that there is a decent-sized Caribbean population, we should have some restaurants similar to what's available in Toronto. I hope that improves soon -there are many individuals who cook brilliantly, so there's potential!

My preference for restaurants is for small places where you're likely to meet the owner on any given visit. While chain restaurants have their place, especially for consistency and predictability, I do prefer the intimacy and individuality of afamily-owned location. Among other benefits- like remembering a regular patron's favourite items, or routinely updated menus, there are other bonuses. Things like the flexibility and willingness to prepare dishes that are not on the menu. Of course, the other benefit is that supporting these restaurants supports families directly.

Well, that accomplished most of my goal! I'm actually a little hungry. And my tummy has settled nicely. So I'll quit while I'm ahead and have some tea. Good night!


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