Ex Vivo

Just assume that I'm still grousing about the heat, which continues to be oppressive and humid. My breathing is laboured because of it, and if the humidity keeps up, as the meterologists suggest, then breathing will be even worse. I am still delighted that my sleep is good and restful, and the pain is manageable, but present. I'm due to see my doctor the day after tomorrow, and I have a few items to discuss with him... I've started a list, which helps me remember the critical items.

Here’s Jerry, supervising my computer use because anything thay interrupts his tummy massage 😁.  

So I've got a pair of projects that are bubbling in the back of my mind. I can work on them fairly easily because they’re  mostly mental, and my brain still works, even if the rest of me doesn't want to cooperate. I've begun outlines, but in order to better develop them, I need your input, please, because you are all a great source of inspiration.

Project #1 I may have mentioned before.  It's about our attitudes towards food. I'd like to know from you:

  • What is/are your favourite foods?
  • Do you have a preferred style of cooking? Like Indian, Thai, Italian, etc?
  • Do you prefer savoury or sweet items?
  • How often do you have meat with your meals?
  • How spicy do you like your food?

I'd love to get your thoughts on your attitude towards food. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on this.

The other project is partly fantasy-based. The core questions that I'd like you to answer are:

  • If you could redo any part of your life, would you? What would you want to redo?
  • What one thing would you change in your life if you could?
  • If you could travel to any time, when would you want to visit? (Past, Present, Future)
  • If you could travel to anywhere, real or imaginary, where would it be?
  • Would you trefer to live forever (or a very long time) without growing ill or frail, or would you prefer multiple lives? If multiple lives, would you want to remember the previous ones?

I'd appreciate it if you took a few minutes to answer those questions on the 2 projects. I'm very interested in your ideas. These are collaborations with some friends, and I'm exploring different angles on the base ideas. Thanks very much for your thoughts:


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