fundamenta inconcussa

AARGH! If it ain't one thing... we can mark "sleep" off the list of problems. I've had over a full week of 6+ hours a night, with small naps during the day. Having accomplished that goal, I was hoping for a couple of days of normalcy and perhaps some dull times. But no!  Today I had a resurgence of pain, for no clearly identifiable reason, accompanied by a very unhappy tummy. that will be another day or so. <sigh> oh well,  Life isn't boring, at least.

I was listening to some music today. I realized that I'm stuck in a rut with that. I'm really into ruts on things that I like; we'll come back to this. But music-I tend to go to 80's and 90's greatest hits. Those are my favourite eras for music, generally speaking. There's some overlap from other times, but the majority of songs are in those years. What is it about music from the 80's that makes it so enjoyable? Yes, it's the music then I listened to as a teenager, which gives it a special aura. It's the "soundtrack of my life" which reminds me of my youth and innocence.

I like the sounds, the dances, the words. I'm lazy, too. I won't change the channel on the car radio if I tune to an "oldies" station. I mean, those songs were all popular during my high school years, and that's not that long ago! It was the mid-80's when we were teens, and... I refuse to count the years.

Like so many teenagers, I know the lyrics of my favourite songs, even <mumble> years later. Listening to them makes me feel better about a lot of things, I remember times spent with friends as we went on field trips; as we volunteered with the elderly, or with people with disabilities; time spent in the county; various parties. Lots and lots of food! And doing things that would now be. highly problematic, like riding in the flat bed of a trickup or packing 10 teens into a small sedan-- don't ask! Or Joanne's famous 18th birthday party, details of which remain sealed years later!

Isn't it wonderful how music can transport us back to a time when problems were miniscule? I'm remembering when our biggest challenges were crushes, and worrying that they wouldn't be reciprocated... But now, some many years later, those years are all full of a happy glow, and I can lose myself in the nostalgia-even breakup music has that glow about it, so it's bittersweet and no longer painful.

As for my ruts... I've found that I tend to listen to the same music; go to the same restaurants; order the same foods; reread the same books and so on. There's a definite level of comfort in these. I've also realized that I go to my comfort zones in times of stress -which would suggest that my levels are much higher than they seem, and I need some extra reassurance. Lately, and unsurprisingly, I've been craving comfort. It's not easy.  I’ll enjoy the comfort zones, and deal with the stressors so they’re not causing problems.

Good night all.  I’m not listening to 80s music tonight, even though I’m streaming music off Spotify.  Tonight is classical music for relaxation and sleep.


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