ex tempore

It is significantly cooler than it was all week. In fact, today was perfectly crisp Fall weather, requiring a cozy sweater or a wrap. That led to reduced swelling and easier breathing. My home care nurse recommended that I get at home oxygen to use as needed. My GP did a referral for me, but the palliative care doctor said that I'm unlikely to qualify as my saturation levels are 97 % I'm not sure if I should or not, but I'll talk to the company. It can't hurt.

I'm having a moment where I'd like to have some of Jerry's seemingly limitless energy! I keep looking at things that I'd like to do but I'm having to lie down until the feeling passes. Instead I'm working slowly on my crochet cardigan after a long pause. I did manage to detangle the terrifyingly huge yarn barf that I had, then realized that I couldn't use that yarn for the project that I had in mind. Then I spent several days browsing patterns to find an alternative that would work with the yarn, I'm not entirely sure if I have or not, I'll have to re-read and double check the weight and the needles and then try a swatch, and I'll stop boring you with these details.

I am very thankful to those who have kept me well-supplied with photos of flowers. I've got so many beauties that it feels like I'm in an ever- changing bouquet. The colours are varied as are the blooms themselves. When I feel blah-which happens from time to time-I browse through the photos and I cheer up. Equally fun are the videos of the fauna, like chipmunks or squirrels, that are very cute!

So, to update you on my food-related project. I'll provide short updates as we go along, and hopefully it will be interesting enough for you to continue contributing! I can't, sadly, pay anyone for their input or participation, but perhaps we could share a coffee /tea either in person or over video. These results are not controlled, nor are they corrected for possible bias. Most people seem to prefer savoury over sweet foods. I was a little surprised to learn that for most people, their favourite cuisine is not the one that they cook most often. I would have thought that a favourite food would have been made frequently. Apparently not! It wasn't too much of a surprise to me that Chinese was most-named as a favourite cuisine. Based on the origins of the respondents, it's likely to be Cantonese Chinese as the pick.  Several people identified “Trini” as the style of food they cooked most often, which is a delightful blend of several culinary styles. Finally, men generally preferred meals with meat-in fact, the consensus among men was that they expected meat with every meal, as compared to women, who said meat at 1 meal a day.

Thanks to all of you who contributed. I hope that it will be an interesting paper and I'm potentially  be informative as well. That's all for now; Good night!


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