fac fortia et patere

Today I'm grumbling about the heat, which is, not to put too fine a point on it, brutal. I've been dealing with nausea, which gets worse when I'm out of the AC, so I realize that it's heat-related. Now, I'm an island girl, who grew up in the tropics, so I should be able to cope with the summer heat. But it's really beyond my capacity to cope. Yes, I'm whining a bit, and I apologize for that. I'll try to keep the moaning to a minimum. The pain is higher today than yesterday, again proof of the weather's influence.

I've been trying to get hold of one of my doctors to arrange a follow-up appointment. Now, I have a small army of doctors and medical professionals, and keeping track of my appointments is practically a job in itself. Sometimes I've got several appointments in a week, and there are other sessions-my home care nurse, the support worker, etc. --that I have to work around.. There are days when my calendar is more packed than when I was in the office! I could almost use an assistant to keep my calendar updated.

I'm tired of all of the time that I have to spend with doctors and hospitals. I'd love it if I could hop in the car and head out and go pretty much anywhere that is not medically related.. The only places that I've been are the hospital for scans or appointments, and rarely to the grocery. Tonight was absolutely fun, with a short outing for Peking duck at a Chinese restaurant. It was good to see my friends after almost 2 years. One of the great thing is that even if the food is great (it was) the dinner is only wonderful if the company is, and it was brilliant. I am super happy we made the time for this. I'm probably going to sleep all tomorrow and need rest the following day. to make up for my excitement tonight.  It’s all good 😊 

There are moments when I'd like to call a halt to the majority of my appointments, and just have 1 or 2 to do. It becomes tiresome to have so many to manage and I'd like to skip some of the issues with the paperwork The trials and the tests are needed to ensure then the meds work, and that I'm responding to treatment. I'm just a bit fed up with the cycle of meds, test, needles, etc.

I'll work on having a few more evenings like this one, where 1 here a break from the grind of appointments. On balance, everything is fine, and I have no reason to complain. I'll just stay on an even keel and remand myself of all the good in the world (and the Peking duck; and friends


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