hora fugit

Another note to self: when you do dumb things, recovery is not quick. Even if you think that you were following all the rehabilitation rules, it does not go away quickly. Trying to pass along the blame to my therapist for the pain is of limited value as my interaction is only for an hour and a bit after review and revising my exercises and my progress. I estimate that I'd be closer to "normal" after tomorrow. At least, I hope so!

At my last nurse's visit, she muttered that my pulse and blood pressure were difficult to identify. For some reason, she couldn't detect my heart rate, and therefore readings were difficult to obtain. It got more entertaining when she tried using the automatic reader and that also had problems reading my pressure. It took about 3 tries before it settled, leaving me wondering if I had suddenly lost my heart-not in San Francisco, as I've never been there.- but somewhere near here... LOL

I think that I've narrowed down my prospective crochet projects to an even dozen. I'm stalled briefly on the cardigan for 2 main reasons:

(a) I think that I somehow made an error with the size/stitch count, so it's not the correct size, and I have no desire to frog it and restart. Which leads us to reason

(b) I identified some other items that I wanted to do as potential gifts and they should have been started a while ago so they'd be sent by mail, and that deadline is just zooming closer!

And then there's reason

(c) If I want to pre-order items for Christmas, I'll need to get to work quickly to meet the procurement lead times. (I.e. mail cut off dates)  I’m mildly obsessed with mail dates because last year there were several changes to the mail system, and I mailed my stuff on time, but with Covid, there were further slowdowns and other issues so at least 2 cards that were finally accepted and sent still haven’t arrived  I’d prefer to avoid that problem this year…

In brief, I need to get in gear to meet postal deadlines, which are much tighter this year because covid. I'll allow myself a day of rest (HA!) and then get to work so that by Friday I should have made good inroads into my lists.

Then my other volunteer projects are going to require some TLC so they don't fade into the background. They are all writing projects, which is very much in my wheelhouse, so that shouldn't pose any difficulty. Neither will the deadlines-there aren't any! and my collaborators /co authors / directors are probably more patient and considerate than I deserve. So I'll pencil in time over the next couple of weeks to ensure that they don't slip away. I should, therefore, show some progress by the end of the month. Someone should check in on me to see where I am on them!

I think that's all for tonight-I did promise shorter and less serious tonight! Wishing you a peace-full and joy-full weekend with those who mean the most to you-preferably in person or at least by video  chat, with as many of them as possible!  Good night and have a pleasant sleep!


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