bella detesta matribus


I'm watching, horrified, something I never imagined happening here. After 23 days. police have arrived in large numbers to remove the occupiers from downtown Ottawa. Since yesterday, the number of trucks has dropped-many were seized and towed, but a few opted to leave. There have been over 100 arrests as of last night and numbers will go up. The occupiers have been screaming at the media, and I'm stunned at the stupidity that's spewing from their mouths.

One woman shrieked, "The coronavirus is the common cold! I learned that IN BIOLOGY!" Another, as she was being handcuffed howled, "We're backed by the USA! If you arrest me, the US Military will invade and conquer." Apropos of nothing, "why aren't you in Russia, fighting for our rights?" They used children as shields in the protest; and were throwing smoke bombs and claiming that the police were using tear gas. They charged at mounted police and then screamed that the police. didn't move out of the way. It's sickening to watch!

I've never been a fan of demonstrations. The "March and wine round the Red House" mentality always seemed to be a colossal waste of time and a source of piles of garbage. For those who think that this is how to effect change, that's their choice and legal peaceful assembly is a right enshrined in our constitutions. THIS, though, hasn't been peaceful, legal or based on reality. Screaming that the media lies and doesn't show reality while on live TV is just one of the many paradoxes that they exhibit.

Right now, outside my building, trucks are again blowing horns, cars are driving the wrong way on a one-way street. I'm 2 blocks south of the main mess, but fully in the "red zone" in which movement is severely curtailed. Nobody who doesn't live here is allowed in. If I open the door (it's too cold to do that) I can hear truck horns, air horns and even train horns. The first weekend, there was a wall of sound; today it's more a series of waves. I've been trapped at home for weeks, and it was honestly terrifying to consider that I might be attacked for wearing a mask. I've got friends-also "red zone" dwellers- who were attacked for wearing a mask; for "appearing" gay... People haven't been able to work because of safety concerns.. I'm out of words to express myself! 

I have tried to understand what they're talking about, but I can't find a coherent thread. There are so many disparate and disjointed ideas that it seems to me that there's no basis in fact. And then there are untruths, half-truths and twists that it's possible to get confused and that's where I can't make any sense. Why would I go to someone who is not a medical professional to get medical information? Why would I trust a discredited person? Why would I go to a doctor, fill a prescription and then not follow their advice? Why trust a professional who doesn't uphold the ethics of their profession? Why would I take an opinion as fact?

That's what I can express today. I've taken my meds and I'm waiting for them to take effect. My nurse and social worker have called to check on me but can't get here, neither can deliveries (food, groceries, mail, etc) So I'll be in here today. I hope that your day is more peaceful than mine. Jerry is on edge-I think he senses the atmosphere. He's cuddling Don right now, but his face shows that he's on alert. We'll do our best to keep him calm. Cheers!


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