clarere audere gaudere
I'd love to get to the point where neither noise nor pain are features of my day. Sadly, today is not that day. I'll spare you the dreary details of both. and tell you about my little dog, who has been cuddling most of the day. I find that he's a little ball of hugs who just seems to love being petted. He's taken over my lap, and I'd like a teensy bit more room but there's no hope of that! He's trying to mooch off my toast! Don's doing a bit better today, and has been eating well. He and Jerry played for a long time, which might be why he's so cuddly now.
My niece and I were taking a few moments to review her homework for RE. Tomorrow's reading is a short story where the lead . character meets Jesus and they are in a room in which all of their thoughts are written on a set of cards. The questions for discussion are good, though, and require a bit of introspection. We've been doing this for a few weeks now and we discuss the stories and the questions. My views do not always align with her teachers, so I have had to be cautious with our conversations. Mostly I ask what are her thoughts and we explore that. I'm not a fan of pushing guilt on teens to convey "religion" so we spend actual hours discussing thoughts and feelings.
As meaningful and insightful as our conversations are, they're also a bit tiring. I'm off to try to sleep. Take care. Good night.
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