

Today is the 80th birthday of my dear friend, spiritual advisor and priest, Fr. Leo. I've known him since I was about 17 and he's been a close friend and confidante to me and all of my family over the years. Amusingly, he's the same age (older by 2 weeks) as my mother, who was just thrilled about that, and the fact that they also shared an anniversary. (He was ordained in July while my parents were married in October of the same year.) As I said, I met him when I was about 17, and he's been a great source of inspiration to me. Like all teenagers, I had a ton of questions about religion, and I was convinced that I had all the answers. Typical teen! He listened to my questions and treated me seriously, where many other adults were inclined to be dismissive or saying that I was wrong without any explanations. It was great to have a religious leader who was also practical. I mean, he never said that I was headed to hell for disagreeing or questioning. He always managed to encourage inquiry and preaches love. He's one of the few people I know who is genuinely good and by being like that encourages goodness in others. I have gone to him for confession since I first met him, and I've explained to people that if I can't tell him that I did something, then I won't do it. He's helped me to see the good in difficult people-something I've always found challenging.  I taught him to use a computer and the internet, and he was thrilled by that, to be able to read the Irish news and listen to classical music concerts. We corresponded regularly when I moved to Canada, and I made it a point to visit him on my trips to Trinidad. One year, he took a sabbatical in Ireland and I visited him in Dublin. A wonderful experience!  We did a tour of Dublin (it poured rain my whole visit!) and visited a few historic sites. He visited me in Ottawa on his one trip to Canada some years ago. He retired from pastoral work 10 years ago, and shortly after was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He moved back to Ireland about 5 years ago, and I visited him at the monastery on my last trip to Europe.  This is us in downtown Dublin on that trip. His health has deteriorated somewhat, and his memory has some spots, but we still talk fairly regularly. I want to wish him happiness and improved health this year. I still hope to be able to travel to Ireland and visit him, as my second trip on my post- plague travel plan! Much love and blessings, Fr. Leo!

However, there's no travel in my immediate future. The noise persists, and the news reports the arrival of Americans to boost numbers. <sigh>. My pain today was... constant and unyielding. I don't know how long I can endure that. Jerry spent the whole day on my lap or on my toes. Don also reports a lot of pain and he can't move easily. It will be a challenge. Let's hope for some relief soon?


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