unitas per servitiam


A night of unbroken sleep-so wonderful! No horns today either. mostly. Then were a few strays, but not many. I'm told that some areas still have people clogging the streets, but the police are finally acting to ticket those who don't respect the rules. I have a minute for a free lap while the tiny dictator is on the floor for a break- Don complained that he's still got pain in his arm, and is trying to get over that. Here's hoping that he feels better soon.

A couple of friends sent me stuff that surprisingly were about related subjects. They don't know each other, so this was a surprise. One sent a one-line text asking, "Can a good Christian woman be a feminist?" The other sent an article, the summary of which is: "Autocrats and fundamentalists oppose women's participation in public life because when women are involved more progressive results occur." I must say that any group that works to limit free participation in civil society is wrong in more ways than I can explain. Really, groups that try to promote divisions are sad. It's a weak word, I know, but my vocabulary falters! They attain control through violence, and argue that bigger guns means they're better. The effort that goes into suppressing the other groups removes people from development and creative work. Then they push to enforce their views-which only breeds more violence. It's a horrible cycle. I know that I'm an idealist, but I maintain that we will only ever really advance when we end our efforts to segregate and suppress parts of our society. Allowing people to fully participate is good for everyone.

Another early night until I manage to eliminate my sleep debt, or at least reduce it significantly!  I'm happy to report that I got 12 hours of sleep altogether last night, and I'm in a little less pain, so good! Oh, as far as snacks go-I got some questions asking what I like. I don't eat beef, so that's one thing. I like having things that are quick and easy-like egg salad, or tuna or chicken salad that I can eat with some crackers. I like the odd mini-pizza (not the store bought, packaged kind because I'm not a fan of pepperoni) or chips and dip-again, not necessarily store bought. That's why I asked for recipe ideas. The packaged stuff, IMO, generally has too much salt and doesn't have any distinctive flavours. Pathetically, I am not sufficiently energetic to cook a chicken breast, finely chop it and make a chicken salad. It would be great if I had some spare energy to prepare something. I hope that's a bit more useful.  Good night to everyone.


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