pendent opera interrupta

Life is slowly returning to normal. It's quiet-no horns!-but there are still police around. The "red zone" has shrunk a bit, but I'm still in the middle of it. No worries about that. Jerry is bouncing from me to Don and back; and he's been barking at everything-to the point that I've said that he sees ghosts. I'd like to be more energetic so I could do more, but I won't complain; it's not going to change anything. Hopefully, when it warms up I'll feel less useless. Don has been glued to hockey, but much to my surprise. he's been watching the women's team, and in football (soccer) He often surprises me!

I've been rereading a series that I'd first encountered in the early 90's - it took 20 years for the author to finish! I read all 14 books as they were published, but I haven't done a complete series reread ever. It's a shame, because the books are great. It's also very time- consuming as each book is over 900 pages. I mention this because while I'm happily immersed in the story, I've realized that I've forgotten huge chunks. That's unusual for me with books, as I might overlook some things, but I usually remember major points. In this series, I've forgotten people, plot points and events. Most unusual for me! Oddly, though, with some of our favourite childhood movies, I can't remember most of the second half! It's shocking, really... In Sound of Music, I have no recollection of the movie following the wedding-I'm always surprised that there's more movie! In My Fair Lady, I've blanked everything after the fight after the triumphal return from the ball... there are other examples, but that's enough. I don't understand why or how I manage to do that! But it does mean that I get to enjoy it anew, so it's lovely! I forget again, so I always have a new experience!

That's it for tonight. I hope that things continue to develop peacefully! Good night!


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