

I'm sad to report that I'm still in dreadful pain. I'd like to imagine it away, but I can't. And it's agreed that a lack of sleep adds to the pain. My appetite is also not great. Don is still not feeling great-his arm is quite painful. Jerry was feeling very playful this morning, and snuggled up on my pillow...

I have to ask-don't people learn about household things from their families? I mean things like budgeting, meal preparation, grocery shopping, laundry, etc? While it's always helpful to get tips, I'm often surprised at the number of people who moan that they didn't learn these things in school. There was a class called Home Economics (which I didn't take) in high school that covered many of these topics and included garment construction and other such useful subjects. It was introduced late in our high school career, so my year couldn't take it. But we did have several sessions on marriage and household management that were interesting... but I do wonder about the apparent need for news items on buying in bulk to help save money. Or-even more surprising- the importance of checking labels and expiry dates. I've seen several pieces on how people don't read labels so are surprised at the levels of sugar (for example) in foods. what do people learn at home? I'm clearly missing something...

Ok, I'm rambling-tiredness is overtaking me. I'm going to stop and go to bed. Good night!


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