mors omnibus


Gong Xi fa cai! Xin Nian Kuai le. Wishing you a happy and prosperous year of the Tiger. In normal times, we'd be getting ready for our New Year's dim sum, and the fun of being together. I had a few nostalgic moments reviewing some past gatherings and our time celebrating. I did get some messages from my dim sum collaborators regretting the lack this year. There's no benefit to bemoaning the situation, and we're looking forward to brighter days.

The noise from the protests continue. This has caused me to lose a lot of sleep, and that's led to a huge jump in my pain levels-and a number of other issues. I'm trying to find and maintain my serenity, but it's not easy. It might be selfish on my part, but the effect on my health is negative. I'm not inclined towards forgiveness in this situation. .Jerry is still distressed by the noise and he’s constantly seeking reassurance from us.  Don has managed to dig himself into a hole… he told some jokes that I’m a bad cook and an over shopper and just doubled down, so he’s having a few problems 😂😂

The new year is a great opportunity to evaluate our lives and assess where we're going. It can be Jan 1, Jan 15 (for Orthodox Christians) or the Lunar new year, like today. It's so lovely to be able to wish each other good things. We certainly are enthusiastic about wishing fortune and other such blessings, aren't we? The challenge is that they often seem empty. I think, though, that we are sincere in our wishes for peace, love, prosperity and goodwill. It seems sad, though, that we often can't maintain the feeling for a whole year.

I'm going to try to sleep. Those damned trucks are blowing horns again. Unsurprisingly, I'm not wishing them peace, comfort or joy! I'm hoping that I can find rest. Good night.


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