per multum cras, cras, crebro dilabitur aetas


I had a phone call with my doctor yesterday as part of my regular treatment.    As good news, he asked me about the pain in my lower back and hip, and much to my shock, I suddenly realized that I haven’t had that pain for a couple of months!  The pain has been concentrated in my upper left back, around the shoulder blade.  I had to pause for a second to acknowledge the difference and I’m happy about that!  So good to have confirmation of positive changes, right?  We had treated that area by radiation, and thankfully it worked!  As for the rest, I have more tests to do so he will be submitting the paperwork to get those done.  We were awoken by the fire alarm at 3am today.  That upset and scared Jerry who howled for a long while, then needed cuddles after.  Don was in some pain after, probably due to being startled awake.  After I fell asleep again, I didn’t wake up until almost noon!  That alarm was very distressing.  I still don’t know the cause, and emergency vehicles were never on site, so I’m assuming that it was a blip in the system.

Since the occupiers were in place in February, the City has announced that we will celebrate Valentine’s Day again on March 14 — followed by St. Patrick’s Day on the 17.  Holidays in winter are always to be encouraged 😂. The idea is to help support the many little local businesses that were affected by the occupation.   I think that it’s a good and fun idea, and I’ll be looking to support a few local places over the next few weeks.   If the weather improves I may even be able to take short walks.  (My physiotherapist would like that, especially if I can manage without needing my walker.  I won’t force the issue, but I look forward to not needing the walker!!  

I have to admit that I do get very tired quickly, and I’m a little frustrated by that.  I’ll wrap up now and head in to sleep, because I’m struggling to stay awake.  Good night!


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