Pro re nata

Most of today I was struggling to stay awake. The meds are helping with pain, but I'd like to be awake a bit! Not at night, just during the day when I've got (minimal) plans. Of course, though, I'm usually a dog bed, so that - while it's a "plan" - also limits my activities. Jerry is very comfortably stretched out on my lap, with his little paws pushing my hands where he wants to be petted! Don's doing well, too- he had to be unglued from the news which he's been watching for updates on the people who still haven't left! That, and the situation in Ukraine occupy his time. (plus hockey...)  From the news, I’m thankful that I didn’t need to leave home as the police are closing access to downtown!  Traffic seems extremely gridlocked.

I've lived here a long time, but I'm still not used to ads for medicines. Why would I need to talk to a doctor. about a medicine? I don't treat my medical team like drug dealers. Apart from which, I'd prefer to take as few meds as possible. I'll assume that my team is aware of appropriate treatments and will administer as needed-that's not unreasonable, is it? I don't think that pharmaceutical companies should advertise directly to consumers. That's my soap box for tonight!

I'm about to give in to sleep. It's very early, but... I hope that I get a good, restful sleep tonight. I don't always. Good night



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