hora somni

Yesterday I couldn’t wake up, nor stay awake for any significant period of time.  It was truly odd, more so because Don also couldn’t wake up!  He asked what was making us sleep, because it’s so unusual for both of us to be that sluggish!  Today was better, in that I woke up at the usual time (but I fell asleep around 3am) and had a little more energy.  Jerry was very good, and let me sleep, instead of his usual dancing on my chest and lying on my face!  He’s adorable and so sweet when he wants to be 😆. My nurse was here today and noted that I’ve lost “a bit” of weight, so he would like me to eat more, please, because I should be maintaining a fairly steady weight.  Clearly I need to do better… 

Today’s photo was taken at “the start of spring” in New York.  Isn’t it lovely?  It’s from J&H who have been so good at sending me flowers pictures.  But blooming trees are a welcome sight, as it means that the warm weather is not too far away.

Speaking of warm weather on the way, every year I’m a little annoyed at the “news” anchors who waffle on about “it’s spring, but the weather doesn’t seem to know it,” or “where’s spring?”  I mean, we’re in Canada.  Spring doesn’t just appear with the flicking of a switch in March; it sneaks in gradually over April, and it’ll be safe to plan outdoor activities in late May.  But every year the “news” people go through this rigmarole about how spring is late and it’s so cold and we’re in MARCH!!  I’m realizing that I’m not in favour of many of the antics that go on in the newsroom, where they try witty banter… and somewhat worse where the smiles are forced.  I prefer news free of entertainment, personally.  I either mute the program or leave the room when they start with the banter, especially when they go on about the weather and what the meteorologist could do about it.  Yes, I’m probably old and crotchety on this!  Get off’n ma lawn! 

I’m going to have a snack and then go to bed.  “Snack” sounds ambitious, but it’ll probably be a few cookies.  My appetite still isn’t all that great, but I’m trying!  I promise!  Good night!


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