pro per

Oh my word, it is CHILLY today!  The cold just sneaks in everywhere and I’m shivering badly.  I admit that spring is here and it is changeable, but oh my!  It feels very wintry and not at all springlike today.  Jerry is not a fan of this.  While he enjoys a certain level of cool weather, he is not enthusiastic about outright cold!  Don, on the other hand, seemed to perk up with the chill — strange man!  He must be Canadian or something 😂. Honestly, though, he has a range of temperatures where he picks up and “blooms.”  This temperature (when he’s not outside in the wind) is actually easier for his breathing than when it’s hot and humid or when it’s really cold and dry.  <sigh> the changing seasons are hard on me sometimes…

So apparently, after last night’s post, I opened several cans of worms… I disagree, but it seems that I should talk about the scandal at the Oscars.  Can you imagine that it’s possible to hire three women for the cost of one man?  Isn’t it horrific that there’s such a wage differential between the sexes?  Shouldn’t the salaries be more equal?  What possible justification can there be at this point for such a wage gap?  Which brings me to the point of the whole wage gap question.  Whatever the excuse for having men paid more long ago and far away, it no longer applies.  If we’re doing the same job, we should get the same pay — right?  If not, I’d love to hear why.  Whatever the field.  I was recently half listening to a group of male sportscasters tripping over themselves to explain why women hockey players (who have been winning more games and awards than the men) don’t deserve salaries comparable to the men, nor do they deserve ice time.  Personally, I don’t care about hockey players, or their ice time, but I don’t like the idea of negative behaviour towards women.  I had a few, nauseating, moments when I was reading an 1860’s magazine that spoke against women voting, saying things like women couldn’t comprehend politics, that they should let their husbands do the hard thinking and other such tosh.  Aren’t we beyond that foolish way of thinking?  So shouldn’t women and men earn the same pay for the same work?

There was something about someone not using his words to solve a dispute, which is sadly a regular event, so I won’t say much more about it except to note that really, using words would have been preferable (even if the joke was in the poor taste normally associated with that “comedian”). It’s rough, sometimes, to hold your temper when someone you love is the butt of a joke, but it’s essential to do that!  Apart from that, I was thrilled that Encanto won, and Coda.  The first, because it was a lovely, creative story with fun music, and the other because of the use of deaf actors telling a story about a deaf family.  I realized that my reading of sign language is slower than it used to be, but I can still read most of it.  I’m hesitant to watch Dune because of my long-standing issue with movie adaptations of my favourite books.  I’m terrified that they’ve ruined it, or that they’ve changed it beyond recognition!  The earlier movies were (in a word,) BAD, never mind Sting!  

That’s it for now; I’m off to bed.  Hope that your evening is good and stress free.  Good night!


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