pro tanto

Ah, spring weather.  We’re -9C today, and the forecast for the day after tomorrow is 15C!!!!  Can you believe that?  I mean, that’s a whole 25 degree difference, in less than 48 hours!  (Yes, red man, your jokes are anticipated while you work out the average change, but it’s much more useful if you just sent me some puppy pictures 🤪). Then it drops back down to 5C.  That’s weather to make you ill with sniffly colds, to say the least.  There will be a hilarious April Fool’s joke if the temperature shifts over by one day!!  It is very likely that Jerry will have an outing on the 15C day — in part because I have a doctor’s appointment that day! — and he will be wiggling his little stump of a tail with excitement.  He was a little annoyed today because there was a visit from the building management.  There’s a new company who’s looking after the building now, and they were checking that the keys worked and there were no leaks.  The guy was in and out in 5 minutes, but that was enough to annoy the tiny security system, who didn’t approve of strangers in his condo!  He’s been “protecting” Don all day and is now glaring at me from the safety of Don’s lap on the sofa…

I just had an odd encounter. My doorbell rang, and at the door was one of my neighbours who shyly explained that he gets deliveries from one of the meal box kits and he’d received a product to which he was allergic, and would I feel offended if he offered it to me?  I thanked him for the offer and accepted the item without any offence.  I just thought it was kind of him to do that.  We’ve spoken a few times about our air fryers.  I had encountered him one day in the elevator with the box from his new air fryer that he was taking down to be recycled, and we chatted for a while.  I mentioned to Don about the fryer, and after he’d done some research, suddenly one appeared at my door… so the next time I saw my neighbour I told him that he was to blame for me losing valuable counter space in my kitchen!!  We laughed, and had several conversations thereafter about it.  Then I learned that another of my neighbours is a Trekkie, and we had a long conversation about that… and the other neighbour and I talked about our dogs, which live at opposite ends of the hallway so our dogs bracket all activity on our floor.  I don’t know the names of anyone (except the Trekkie, because we’d met when he first moved in years ago, and we’d run into each other fairly regularly) nor do we visit each other or exchange gifts, but we do chat from time to time.  There are almost 200 families and individuals in my building, and I know most of the longer-term residents.  There are some who have lived here as long as we have, and others who are newer or transient, so I don’t know everyone but it’s a peaceful existence overall.  I did have one friend who I’d call and say, “want to go for dim sum?” Or she’d call me and say, “I baked some muffins, would you like a few?” (We exchanged baked goods often, or go shopping together.). These days, she’s on the other end of the country, but we are still in regular communication, which I like, although I miss her being just downstairs!

OOF!  I had woken up extra early this morning because of the visit, so I’m going to try catching up on my missed sleep tonight!  I wish you all a good night, pleasant dreams and comfortable weather, wherever you are!  Good night!


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