
The sun is peeking out more, which is great to see.  I’m looking forward to the flowers just bursting out!  The next street over has lilacs all along its length, and it smells so heavenly!  The dog woke me up this morning by wriggling into a little drill and then lying on my tummy and stretching out his telescopic legs which somehow take up so much space!  Little darling.  When I crawled out of bed he sneezed at me and then shook himself before chasing after Don.  I don’t know what to say to him to keep him from driving me nuts, but he’s still a good little boy.

I’m going to have to appeal to my friends to help me eat more.  It’s one of those things where my energy is not consistent and sometimes eating and cooking are too much for me to cope with and I’ll find that if I cook, I haven’t got the energy to eat (such a dreadful thing!!) and if I eat, there’s no energy for cooking.  Silly, isn’t it?  My I would have thought that being able to eat would give me enough strength to feel normal.  I would sigh, but it doesn’t help me.

I had a moment today where I felt utterly dreadful.  Part of me just wanted to give up on everything, which doesn’t help at all.  I called a friend for a little support and was absolutely thrilled that they helped out and I was able to get some support.  My friends are awesome.  There’s no way around that.  Thanks!

That’s all I have to share tonight.  I’ll be able to find new ways to be share the love again.  Thanks!


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