manu forte

More back twinges today.  I had to run to my chair a few times to sit so the pain would be manageable.  Then I’d get up to continue what I was doing.  It’s not I was doing anything strenuous, but making a sandwich felt like hard labour!!  Under the heading of “enjoyable item,” I got a letter on the most beautiful stationery from a friend in Vancouver.  Apart from the utterly gorgeous paper, it was full of news and I absolutely love getting newsy letters!  That took away the focus from my back for a while as I got caught up on her details.  <happy sigh>. The boys were snuggled up for a lot of the day as it was damp and chilly.  By 6pm it was definitely a cold, damp, stay-under-the-covers type of day.  I am also pleased to report that the days when I go out to meet my friend for tea and a chat I have no pain when I return home.  Maybe I need to go out with more with my friend?  Yesterday wasn’t too bad, so… Thoughts?  LOL. Plus my appetite is OK again.  I still eat less than my 18-month-old nephew, but let’s not pick too many things apart!

Today I participated in a Zoom call for my niece on university applications. She had confirmation class until noon, and the call was 11-1:00, so I logged in to take notes for her.  Part of it is because it’s been a long time since my own university application days, and I was interested in seeing what had changed.  Not a whole lot from what I heard, except that most of the process is online (unsurprising). We then had our long chat tonight to go over what was discussed (she actually had been able to log in shortly before noon, so she heard a lot of the presentation herself.).  She’s wondering about the benefits or otherwise of a gap year, and what are the career options for various programs.  We’re going to do some research on different options.  So many options!  So much to consider!  Very different from when I did my own application, although the paperwork is much the same!

That’s all for tonight.  I’m going to pretend to be a wrap roti, using my blanket as the dhalpuri and I’ll be the chicken, pumpkin and channa-and-alloo filling.  Good night!


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