intelligenti pauca

So as usual, after several days where things were all comfy and ok, I woke up this morning in FLAMING AGONY and can barely move, even after swallowing my pain meds.  OW!  I hope that it clears up soon, because it’s super painful and uncomfortable to have that much back pain for no known reason!!  Jerry has tried to be a comforter and spent as much time curled in a ball on my lap as I could bear (sadly, not much for any length of time because I couldn’t find a comfortable position) and Don has been napping to recover from bringing home several large bags of groceries last night.

The beautiful daffodils are from K(B) and they’re so wonderful and sunshiny!  My back pain fades a little when I look at them.  Many thanks for this sunny delivery.

I’m trying to understand the logic employed by some people.  When the pandemic started, people began attacking and boycotting anyone who looked Asian, and escalated to doing violence to them.  Now there are movements to boycott Russian restaurants, foods and beverages.  My confusion is that many of the people that are being attacked have no ties to Russia; earlier, many had no link to China.  But there are people with small minds who think that physically harming people or issuing death threats is a reasonable way to deal with a problem.  There’s the source of my confusion.  I would have thought that after the 2 massive wars in the first half of the last century would have cleared a little of that thinking.  Interning Germans — or people with Germanic names —was just needlessly cruel.  Worse was the incarceration of Japanese people.  The racist history of North America goes deep.  But you’d think that perhaps we’ve made a little progress.  OK, I’m clearly naïve.  My uncle this afternoon pointed out that I have some inherent contradictions in some of my thinking and I need to work through those a bit more.  I’m going to argue that you, my lovely intelligent readers, will help me to identify and correct those hiccups in my thinking.  It’s easy, and something of a cheat, to simply assign any perceived contradictions as “men trying to run everything,” or something equally facile, but I would like to be reasonably sure that I’m not falling into those easy traps.  Being intellectually honest is challenging, to say the least!!

But that is my goal — if I find that my thinking is inaccurate then I’ll need to adjust it.  Although I confess that admitting that I’m wrong might not be the easiest thing in the world 😉 but I will do it if I’m shown to be wrong.  I know that I have a few blind spots, and I work around them.   Unless someone obviously espouses a viewpoint in opposition to ours then we go about our lives normally.  If they disagree with us, we can have a rational, adult conversation and perhaps ignore them.  There are no circumstances which allow for death threats, physical harm or other attacks on people.  

That’s all for tonight… I’m going to swallow some opiates and narcotics and crawl into bed!  Good night 😴 


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