petitio principii


I spent a large part of the day doing a CT scan.  I’m not crazy about that because I had problems getting the IV inserted in my suddenly difficult veins!  I’ll have the results in a few days, as always, and I’m pretending not to care about that.  Jerry has been surprisingly curious about everything, and is currently exploring everything.  Don took advantage of my appointment to do a grocery run, and came home with many things on the list, omitting only a few items that were out of stock.  We’ll need to go again soon, but it’s fine.

I’m sorry, and I have to confess that I was a little irritated with my dad.  He has been opting for the saddest part of any information.  For instance, he was telling me about someone who caught a cold, and spent about an hour worrying that they would be sent to quarantine… I pointed out that they were fine, and were recovering but he still kept on about quarantine.  ðŸ˜”. The quarantine issue was that if they did have to go, they would instantly die.  Finally I told him that he didn’t need to wallow in nonexistent misery, but it took a while to get through!  I feel a little guilty for snapping at him, but I also don’t think that it’s necessary to focus and expand on the worst case scenario, almost as if celebrating.  He’s otherwise doing well and is in decent health, although I think that he’s got a lot of spare time to think about all the negative things in the world.  

My niece has asked me to share in her Lenten practice this year.  She said that she picked me because she might have questions and I always answer honestly.  I’m honoured and a little scared… I have never liked being “the example” to younger family members, but it’s my role as the eldest.  Or so it was hammered into me when I was a child.  But she’s got some brilliant responses to some of her own questions, and I’m fascinated by them.

That’s all for tonight.  I’m falling asleep, and I’m heading in to bed.  Take care, and good night.


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