I was sent these lovely daffodils from my friend in Vancouver. Aren’t they beautiful? I’ve got a stunning collection now of flowers sent to me from several friends and if I spent a little time cataloguing them, they are likely to make a beautiful coffee table book — which would be relaxing to flip through. I’ll see if that materializes 🤣 I was up for an early appointment today, and by noon I was dozing off on myself! So I took a nap this afternoon, which has helped with both my energy and the pain. Jerry is squeezed on my seat between me and the armrest, just to let me know that I’m failing in my job of puppy snuggling! Don also had a solid nap this afternoon and he just made supper and is watching the news — a very depressing activity, I must admit. There isn’t anything cheering in the news! I watch enough to keep informed, and then switch the channel… which makes for some battles for the remote.
Speaking of news, I got a call from my very excited goddaughter today to tell me that she’s finally pursuing her dream of being a film make up artist. She had been working as an accountant after the store where she worked had closed due to Covid, and had, to some extent, shelved her dream in favour of the practicalities of life. But this opportunity came up, she jumped on it with both feet, and sounds happier than I’ve heard her in a while. I’m super thrilled with this news, and she’s boosted my day and my level of joy! I’m so proud of her and her accomplishments and I’m delighted that her talents are being recognized.
I’ve got a few shows on the PVR to watch, as I’m being threatened with having them deleted! Can you imagine that someone would try doing that to me? Should I cut off his evening tea supplies? Or his favourite snacks? I’m definitely not telling him about the ice cream in the freezer… and I might just threaten to delete one of his shows! Mean! OK, I’m going to watch something before the threats get bad! (I’m trying to get the dog to attack,, but no luck. He just wags his tiny tail and wriggles for a cuddle. Definitely NOT a vicious attack puppy!) Good night!
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