nemo nisi per amicitiam cognoscitur

Today’s quote translates as “No one learns except in friendship” I like that thought, because it encourages learning and friendship, both of which are good things, in my humble opinion.  Taking the time to understand students helps them to settle in and open up to asking questions.  Love that.

You’ll be pleased to hear that I cooked the chicken drumsticks with some cabbage and had a plate with some rice.  Plus a donut.  So I’m working on that.  Jerry has got a blast of… puppy zoomies and has been running back and forth and going nuts.  He’s attacking Don and barking loudly.  Silly puppy.  He’s trying to mooch some chicken off of Don, unsuccessfully.

I’m deep in the reread of a series of books and I discovered a website that provides a summary of the books along with a commentary about it.  I was excited to find it, and my plan was to read that along with the books — at least, the commentary — because usually I miss chunks of activity, and this is helpful in explaining some of the more obscure points.  Yes, it’s probably cheating, but I’m not overly concerned.  This is my third reading of this series, and each time I’m delighted to learn a new thing from reading.  But the website is providing even more revelations on this reread.  It’s great, because I’m seeing all new aspects of the books.  It’s like meeting friends again and learning all new things about them.  I’ve also grown my TBR (To Be Read) list, which I’ll be working on reducing again.  I want that list to be at least 10 books long, so that will take a few moments.  Yay 😁 

Good night.  I’m off to rest and try to recover my energy.  


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