Black Friday

This is a little dictator who is eyeing my cookie and plotting how to steal it.  He followed each bite to my mouth, and glared when it was held out of range.  I caved and he got a piece, before I got a flood of complaints about starving and teasing the little dog.  He pulled me again this morning when he was out, so I’m resting this evening.  Instead, he’s out with Sam, who he loves more than me… it’s true.  She was holding him this afternoon, and he was lying quietly in her arms.  I moved closer to him and he turned and gave me an evil eye.  When I took him, he gave me another evil eye and wriggled to try to get back to her.  We howled with laughter, because it was really funny to watch.  He was lying on my lap when she texted that she was on her way over, and I put on his harness… he then went to guard the door until she arrived, and he barked to let everyone know that she was taking him.  Spoiled puppy.  Don is doing well, no more lingering flu shot effects and making his usual wisecracks.  Except for a sore shoulder from puppy antics, I’m fine.

I got a call from my cellphone provider today, asking if I’d like to upgrade my service.  They do this every so often, and are usually disappointed in my response of, “No thank you, I’m not interested,” to all their appeals for a more expensive plan.  Today started off the same, with the optimistic, young, Indian man who started telling me that he could provide me an upgraded phone, improved data service and a new plan.  While he was talking, I went online and found an even better deal — I mentioned it to him, he checked, came back and said that it was an online-only offer, thanked me for my time, and hung up.  I then went online, upgraded my phone, got a plan with 10x the data of my current one for $10 less a month.  I was really impressed with the offerings, and the salesperson who was happy to let me complete the order online.  My new phone arrives on Wednesday, and I had to order a new phone case and screen protector.  Sadly, I can’t get another Star Trek phone case, as they don’t seem to exist for the new model that I have.  I ordered a boring one instead, from a small business in Canada, so that at least supports local and small companies, right?

It’s odd how things trigger others, isn’t it?  I got the call for a sweet deal on my cell plan, and a reminder about the Occupy movement on the same day.  I’d forgotten about those misguided, enthusiastic people who were a nuisance for a few weeks and then faded into the woodwork.  The idea of the whole movement was one that had some merit, but I always thought that using iPhones to complain about cellphone companies was somewhat hypocritical to say the least.  The concept of pushing back against corporate greed is a good one, but illegally blocking access to businesses under some warped idea is not going to accomplish what you want.  The whole idea of “people’s power” is one that’s been abused dreadfully by power seekers who are trying to get their own power increased.  Haven’t you noticed that the politicians who attack “the elite” are ones who have spent their lives in very elite and expensive schools and with lots of money but not necessarily the authority they’d like?  I’ve seen some very wealthy individuals pretending to be “regular middle class folk” who are very out of touch with real issues.  Like the ones who will complain about the price increase for caviar, and the lack of organic options but not really care that fresh food is really unaffordable compared to high-fat, deep fried fast foods.  I’m not saying that all politicians are dishonest, (although that’s a popular myth) nor that all activists are misguided but rather that there are people who like manipulating others and will create falsehoods to cause problems.  I have to admit that I’ve never been a fan of public demonstrations at any level.  The whole “march and wine round the offices” thing is ludicrous and a time waster in my opinion.  I’m more inclined to withhold my support for a business and walk away. 

I won’t get too involved in this, because I’ll get annoyed and then, well, soapbox time.  Jerry just returned from his walk, and he’s all over Sam refusing to let her leave.  I’ll go rescue her and let her get home.  We should also be happy that I scored a sweet cell phone and plan deal.  Hope you’re having a good evening and some quality family time.  Good night!


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