
I’m at home, in Trinidad, with my family!  It’s wonderful to be here in the warmth (30C) and to hug people after the deprivation of the last 3 years!  The flight was fine; it was absolutely packed out of Toronto until we landed in Georgetown when it literally emptied out and we landed with about 40 people in Trinidad.  The wheelchair attendants were very efficient, and my sister got to experience what it was like to accompany a wheelchair passenger. I was mildly annoyed when one of the attendants referred to me as “she” and talked over my head.  I’d said that I would remain in the chair for the security check, and she asked my sister, “Can’t she walk?”  I just repeated myself, and my sister said, “she knows what her capacity is, ask her!”  Anyway, minor irritant, and a gentle reminder that someone in a wheelchair isn’t incapable of speech, and can usually express their own opinions.  We landed at 9:30, and cleared immigration and customs by 10:15, so really fast, and my brother and niece came to get us (we teased my niece about being out so late on a school night) and headed home.  My boys were happy to hear from me early this morning (perhaps a little too early, because the big one was still asleep) and we chatted a bit during the day.

I did some necessary banking errands today with my sister — we had no local currency, and the bank was changing the bank cards — so we headed in to deal with that.  I’d forgotten that the beginning / end of the month is always chaotic in the bank as people still need to line up to get paid.  Although in fairness, I think that many of them do have direct deposit but aren’t necessarily comfortable using it?  Let’s go with that!  Anyway, we arrived shortly after midday, to be told that the “guy replacing the cards is at lunch, so when he returns he’ll deal with you.”  Caribbean banking hasn’t changed much!  The one person who knows how to check id and get your signature is at lunch so nobody else can assist… We got things mostly sorted out, and got curry duck for lunch (around 2:15).  Back at the house, we were greeted by a lovely cake and a handmade sign 😁 and flowers for both of us.  (The cake is excellent!!  I’ve had a piece already; it’s from my favourite bakery.)

I had a short nap and went to meet my niece after school.  I’d forgotten the traffic!  I know, every time I come home, I exclaim about the heat, humidity and traffic, because I block those memories under the sheer delight of seeing my loved ones.  But the traffic was hellacious.  The 4 of us spent some time just chatting until my sister had to go to work, so the rest of us (my brother, sister, niece and I) watched a movie and relaxed.  My dad is over the moon to have us all at home at the same time!  He’s fussing like an old mother hen (father rooster?) to make sure that we’re comfortable, fed, and generally have no concerns.  I’m in my house —where Auntie Ming lived — with my brother.  It feels strange to be here without her.  Her room is too quiet, and the sounds of her in the kitchen are missing.  I will adjust, I know, but at the moment,I feel sad.

We’re planning a little gathering of friends on Friday evening, so we can see as many people as can make it then, and on Saturday we’re planning a memorial Mass for her at our parish.  My niece has booked my Sunday to do stuff with her (her mother grumbled that she was told that “Auntie and I are going to this event, would you like to come?”  I laughed.)  Then on Monday I go to school with her to do a presentation to the school’s cancer society.  We leave on Wednesday, which is far too soon!  But I’m happy to be here, even though it’s for a really short time!  The SP are apparently missing me, although my little niece thinks that I’m visiting Uncle Larry!  How she arrived at that conclusion I’m not sure, except that I was there to celebrate his mom’s birthday on the weekend, so maybe she thinks that’s where I went?  I admit, it’s hilarious.

OK, I’m off to bed,  Sitting for 8 hours on a flight is uncomfortable and painful, and then today I wasn’t fully recovered when I had to go out and do things, so I’m feeling the effects catching up to me.  I’ll be seeing my goddaughter tomorrow 🎉 and the boys soon, plus there’s Friday night.  I’ll need some rest before I get back on the flight home, or I’ll be a total wreck and my boys won’t let me loose again.  Good night!


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