
A late and short entry tonight.  I spoke with my boys a few times today, just to keep them updated on my plans and activities; it was a very busy day that started early.  I got a text from a friend at 5:30 saying that she was on the first flight over from Tobago at 7:00, so she would be coming to visit.  She made a slight detour, because she forgot the address I gave her, and went to my dad’s house, where he sent her on to me.  It was fabulous to see her; it’s been about 4 years since we last met, and it had been 5+ years before that!  It was such a lovely, although far too short time.  Then later, another friend dropped by, after also making a detour to Daddy!  It seemed that everyone was heading there first.  This friend I haven’t seen in over 20 years, although at one time we were part of an almost inseparable group of friends as teens.  He and his wife visited, bringing along their 5-year old daughter.  I was surprised and happy to meet her, as I thought (and said to  my friend) that I didn’t expect that he would become a father at almost 60.  (No further comments; I don’t want to open all the files!)

This afternoon my niece and I went to the college fair, where she talked briefly to the various admissions recruiters from Canadian universities.  I was a bit disappointed at the selection that were there — mostly schools from southern Ontario, as though the other 9 provinces didn’t exist!  I was surprised at the absence of hoary perennials like McGill and MacMaster, while some of the smaller colleges (non-degree granting schools) were there.  Anyway, we chatted with several and have requested info from them.  We (she) looked for scholarship opportunities, and Ottawa actually provides most funding options.  So more exploration and evaluation has to happen, and she’s excited to consider them.  I had a senior moment, where I saw the tuition figures and thought, “Oh, that’s manageable, we can definitely consider that!” Only to have the penny drop a while later that it was the annual tuition cost that was shown!  Bad Auntie for not reading fully!  

Then we were off to my sister for dinner.  We did her a small injustice by thinking that she wouldn’t have much on offer (she is famous for being a non-cook in a family of home chefs!) But she had an amazing spread, and we’re all stuffed to the gills and came away with take-out containers full for lunch for several days!!  It was a great evening of family laughs and reconnection. Two of my nephews were there, and they are such charming jokesters.  They always make it fun to be around them, and my niece was happy to be with her (slightly older) cousins.  One brother, who is now working in one of the other islands, FaceTimed us, so he was also in the fun (although not the food!)  I’m so happy to see my siblings in a relaxed setting where we get a chance to just talk and laugh.  We’ve changed plans for the week, so we’re meeting at my brother’s place on Tuesday evening instead of the original plan of pre-packing laundry and scrambling.  Sleep is for the weak!

On that note, I’m off.  I need a rest and I have to complete at least one report so I’m not racing frantically on Wednesday to type and pack!  Good night 😴 


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