
I had my “crack o’dawn” medical appointment this morning (there’s another one next Tuesday) and we went in for it.  The weather is surprisingly mild. It was definitely crisp this morning, and got warmer by this afternoon.  Jerry heard the alarm go off this morning, and interpreted that to mean that he was going somewhere, so he was sitting at full alert as we got dressed.  It’s hilarious to watch him as he sits at attention, with his little ears cocked and he’s tense and trembling until he sees his harness come out, and then again until we head to the door.  He then will dance and bounce until he gets into the hallway… I was amused that he took an apparent dislike to someone standing at a bus stop, and he barked at them from inside the car with the window up.  His little tail was wagging madly, so the barking was just for show… Don was the driver to the appointment and back; both of us are wiped out this evening since we’ve been awake from about 5am and didn’t get to sleep this afternoon.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American family and friends.  I hope that you’re able to spend some quality time with your families, and that you’re able to relax and share your gratitude for all your blessings, not least of which is having a loving family.  We, of course, did our thanksgiving last month, and I spent it with my sister and her family.  I heard from some friends that they did an “early” Thanksgiving, before the crush and traffic, and I have to say that sounded like an excellent idea.  For myself, any excuse to celebrate and see my loved ones is sufficient to gather.

I am happy to report that I saw my doctor today and we’ve been able to reduce many of my medications (I told him that I’d adjusted one of my meds without talking to him, and he said, “we understand each other. I’m not going to make life harder for you, so if you need to stop a dose then I assume it means that your pain is under control and you know how to adjust it if it flares up again.”  I love it that my doctors are so reasonable and understanding and that they demonstrate trust in me and my judgment.  They also will laugh when I say things like, “I’ll have to practice being sensible” but we can overlook that. 🙄)  We’ve been able to cut down on the number of daily meds that I take, which is fabulous.  The only negative was that I’ve lost weight this past month, so I definitely need to work on improving my appetite.  Again, after so many years of struggling with my weight, it’s still unusual for me to tell myself to eat more, and to opt for the higher calorie items.  I was again reminded that my body needs the nutrients to continue to heal, and I try to eat several small meals throughout the day.

I’m really sleepy, even though it’s very early.  I’ll therefore just pet the puppy and tell him it’s bedtime.  Good night!


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