Flu shot

Here I am in my job as a puppy chair and masseuse.  The little dictator had settled in for snuggles and was patting me on my tummy while trying to mooch some of my orange.  He’s a very persistent little puppy.  He’s always slept touching someone, either myself or Don, and he can’t get to sleep on his own.  During the day, he jumps on my lap and either guards me or curls into a ball or stretches for tummy rubs.  He was out again for his walk, and because he won’t wear boots I’ve been monitoring him to make sure that he doesn’t get too cold.  Don and I went for our flu shots this afternoon, which got sorted out in about 10 minutes.  Evidently, I need to go to my local pharmacy for vaccines, as they didn’t ask me anything about my age or anything, just gave me the shot.  It helps that they have my medical history, obviously!  Don was grousing that he doesn’t understand why he feels so unbalanced, as he has no apparent cause for it, but he’s definitely walking like an 82-year-old (it’s not relevant that he turned 82 this year 😂)  But he did some shopping and filled the cart with pastries and ice cream so his appetite is definitely solid.

My nurse was here today and expressed some concern about my leg, which was somewhat swollen for no reason.  She called my thrombosis doctor and reported that she was concerned that I might have a leg clot.  I only see the thrombosis doctor annually, since I’m just being monitored for a blood thinner.  Every time I have to get a vaccine, I need to declare that I am on the thinner, because there’s a concern that I might bleed excessively at the injection site.  Thankfully that’s only happened when an IV is removed, but the bleeding stopped fairly quickly.  I’ve learned to identify when it might happen, and to take steps to protect my clothes; it happened once that I didn’t notice that the IV spot hadn’t clotted, and I looked like an extra in Game of Thrones with my arm dripping blood.  Anyway, they will be setting up a test to determine whether I have a clot or just poor circulation or whatever the situation might be.

I’m trying to grow a few plants.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I, famously able to kill plastic plants, am trying to grow some.  Don is good with growing things; we joke that he can get pencils to flower in concrete, so he’s normally the one in charge of plants in the house.  I got some new ones on my recent trip, including an aloe and a jade plant, plus some cooking herbs, so I’m trying hard.  I’d actually managed to keep a flower alive for 3 months before I left on holiday.  I’m hoping to have some chadon beni (bhandanyia) growing in a pot before long.  And some pimentos.  I’ve got to wait until I can access my balcony, because I have zero room in my condo while the reno is underway.  I’ll keep you updated on the survival of my little plants.  I even got them some new planters with an auto-watering feature.  My other research now is designing a floral pattern for a tablecloth.  I’m thinking of roses and lilies, but I’m open to hints and suggestions, please and thanks.  I’d like something not overly complicated, but pretty.  I’ve considered a possible wreath or scattering of flowers.  I’ve been researching floral crochet patterns, and I’ve narrowed the field to about 50 ☺️ I’ll do trials of a few and try to get them down to maybe 6.  Your ideas are very welcome!

That’s it for tonight; I’m again feeling wiped out for no identifiable reason.  Jerry is a tight ball leaning against Don, and I might be able to sneak in without him noticing.  Have a good night!


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