
Well, this will be short.  It’s late, and I have deadlines hanging over my head, and I need sleep!  Last night we had some friends and relatives over to the house.  It was great fun seeing my cousins, aunt and uncle, the kids and my dear friend.  I spent part of the day resting as I may possibly have done a little too much the day before with the beach and the mall and so on!  Then guests dropped by from 6:30, the last ones leaving at midnight.  It was so much fun reconnecting with my younger cousins, who I hadn’t seen for several years, even before the pandemic.  I had a good conversation with them, including a potted family history.  Then another long talk with my aunt and uncle who are just delightful.  This morning I had to be up early as Kris and I had plans, which changed so instead we had brunch (delicious!!)

My boys are doing well.  Don told me that a friend of his saw Jerry being walked by “a strange woman” and called to ask what was going on.  I thought it was sweet of them to call and check that Jerry hadn’t been puppynapped.  Jerry, though, just sniffs at me and turns his back when I’m talking to him.  The kids’ view is that he’s letting me know that I’ve been away too long and he’s preparing to make me pay… I don’t doubt that, so I’ll have to find him a present.  (And I’ll need presents for the SP too, but that’s another conversation!)

I’ve got another few busy days before we return to Canada on Wednesday night.  Tomorrow I’m expecting 2 people to visit before lunch, as I have a commitment to check out universities with my niece, then dinner with the family.  Monday I’m presenting at my alma mater; my niece has given me her ideas of what she’d like me to talk about to the group, so I’ll shape it to meet her requests.  Then I’m meeting some school friends for drinks and I expect 2 more guests in the evening.  Tuesday we’re planning a trip to the beach, followed by any last minute errands and laundry.  Wednesday we pack up and head to the airport for shortly after lunch and get back to Toronto after 9pm.  I’ve got a few days with my sister to rest before I make the return trip to Ottawa.  Just like that, 5/6 weeks is done!

I’m off now to write the report on the first research application — I’ve got 5 to complete before 4pm Wednesday, and they’re taking longer than I anticipated!!  Of course, I’m also busier than I expected, so this is all going collywest.  So please excuse me while I write evaluation reports before going to bed.  Good night!!


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