
Hurrah!  My balcony railings are installed with the glass, so now we’re just waiting for the safety inspection so the doors can be opened and we can use it again. No idea when that will happen, but it’s hopeful that it will be done before winter takes full control.  The tiny dictator got his walks today, never mind that there was a bit of a cutting wind and his little paws were so cold that he was trying to walk on 2 feet.  He refuses to wear his booties or jacket, so he shivers a lot and has to be carried home.  Then he cuddles under a blanket and puts his cold paws on whoever is sitting next to him.  (Usually Don, because I know what he’s been up to!). Don was feeling more like himself today, which is good.  We’re booked to get our flu shots on Monday, so he’s trying to be sure that he’s better before then 😂. I’m still trying to shake off my sluggishness from my trip, even though I sleep a lot I’m still tired. I think part of that is because I wake up during the night and take a couple of hours to fall back to sleep.  I’m just heading in early to try to manage that.

I’m trying to learn a couple of new crochet stitches.  I’ve seen several photos of articles made using some interesting techniques, and I wanted to make some of them.  I was asked why I’m spending so much time on crochet, which is, apparently, an “old lady” hobby.  I disagree, obviously, and I find it to be relaxing and somewhat meditative.  But there are so many magazines, articles, videos, etc, with all kinds of patterns, plus a huge assortment of “vintage” patterns some of which are still adaptable to current styles.  Not so much the smocks or bonnets, as cute as they are, but the lace patterns and squares (or circles, hexagons, strips, etc) are beautiful.  Then add the more modern patterns, and techniques using some unusual materials (like wire) and it’s really creative.  Don is laughing at me today and saying that I’m just making a mess, since I’m just working on learning the stitch.  Developing muscle memory takes a while!

I made some bread today, as we had none.  As I pulled it out of the oven, I felt a wave of sadness.  I usually would call Auntie Ming when I baked to ask for tips or to check the recipe or ask for ideas for dinner.  I reached for the phone before I remembered that I can’t call her to chat any longer.  It was a painful, sudden sadness, and I’m sure that my brother (who lived with her) probably feels it more than I do because I’d talk to her daily, but he saw her and interacted with her.  I know that this is part of the cycle of life, but it’s still not easy.  

I’m going to sleep now, and hopefully I’ll be able to sleep all night instead of waking up a few times.  Jerry is on my feet letting me know that he thinks that it’s past his bedtime, so we’ll go in and leave Don to his sports game which is currently sporting.  Good night


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