Honey, I’m home! I got in after midnight on Monday morning, and was met at the train station by my boys. They had arrived before 11, and we were running a bit behind schedule, so they sat in the -5C surface parking lot waiting for me. Thankfully the train staff are quite efficient, and the wheelchair was waiting at the door for me as soon as we pulled in, so no waiting around. Full marks for Via Rail and their service. It was comfortable and easy getting around. Did I mention (I probably did a few times, but it’s important) it’s cheaper than flying. The train ride was less than half the cost of a flight! And when you count in the time spent in airports waiting in lines for security or bags, it’s a comparable duration.
My little guy, seen here, is trying to decide whether he’s sulking or loving me. He sat on my lap on the way home and kept his back firmly turned to me. When we got inside, he ran off to sit on Don and ignored me. When I went to bed, though, he raced me down the hall, waited for me to lie down and then jumped into bed, looking very happy. He’s slept on my tummy for the last 2 nights, refusing to move even when I explain that having 4.5kg on my bladder is uncomfortable… he just snuggles in and kisses whatever part of me he can get. It’s his birthday today, and he’s now a big boy of 7. He got a toy that markets itself as “indestructible” — I wonder if I get a refund when he shreds it? He’s napping now, hugging his new bird and leaning against Don but keeping his eyes on me. We were out for our walk this morning (ooh, that was brisk!!) and then my helper came, and he told fibs that he’d never left the house for days — she knows him, though, and didn’t believe his story š
My trip is catching up to me now. I am really sleepy, and haven’t needed anything to help me sleep! I struggle to wake up and I doze off in the afternoon on my chair. Anyone who’s surprised that I need extra sleep, you’re my squad, and I š you. I assumed that I’ll just recover and get into whatever it is that I was interested in but apparently my body gets a vote, and it’s saying that I did a lot in the last couple of weeks and I need rest to recover. I feel the tiredness, so I’m not going to fight it, and I’ll just sleep. No point pushing myself too hard and making myself sick after having a good time. Early to bed for the next few nights is what I’m planning, minus the “early to rise” part of it. I’ll just do my best to regain my energy.
I’m happy to be back with my boys, and to cuddle Jerry when I fall asleep, but I’m missing the SP and their enthusiasm for life. My niece is developing a strong personality — her mom asked (as she often does) “who loves you?” Without missing a beat, my niece confidently replied, “Everyone who meets me.” (Auntie struggles not to laugh out loud at these kinds of remarks!!) My nephew has a charming smile, and I’ve realized that when he turns it on and crinkles his eyes just so, it means that he’s about to carry out a piece of mischief of epic proportions. He seems to think that a straight line is his easiest route, never mind if he has to walk / drive over someone’s toes… although he’s sweetly apologetic for doing that. (He’ll apologize then try to do it again because your toes are in the middle of his pathway and you really should have learned not to put them where he needs to go!)
I’m falling asleep in the chair, so I think I’ll change locations and go to bed. Until tomorrow, when I have my all-day meeting to discuss grant application. Have a good night my dears, and we’ll catch up when I’m awake!
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