
My second full day here is drawing to a close.  It just sped past!  I woke up a bit late, as the last couple of days is catching up to me and I was exhausted.  Then my friend’s son came over in the afternoon after doing some errands and brought me doubles (good man!) and we chatted for a while.  Then my baby girl (who, despite being a business-owning, awesome MUA is still my baby! There’s no argument on that!) came after her gym time and we decided to go eat and catch up.  Three years is a highly unreasonable period to keep us apart, really!  I’m waiting for the boys to come by when they finish work, which is around 8/8:30 so I’m expecting to be up late-ish.  Jerry has transferred his love to his walker, and is very excited when she comes to get him, while he’s been turning his back on me when I call.  I feel unloved and abandoned, but this is his way of letting me know that I’ve been gone long enough!  Don is OK; he was all decked out in Trini gear when I called this evening 🤣 so he’s in the right dress!  At least he hasn’t abandoned me!

It’s exactly 10 years to the day since my first tumour was discovered, and I relived part of the day today.  I was sufficiently busy that I didn’t have time to wallow in it, and I’m happy to be here, 10 years later, able to enjoy life.  I look forward to doing this again in 10 years’ time.  No bubble popping, please!!

We have plans to find a beach tomorrow as the forecast calls for rain in the afternoon, and we want a chance for some sun.  We also have “rain day” plans in case game is called… so either way, it’s going to be taken up!  I’m so happy to be here and see these people.  We’ve all been good, dealing with life and the things that have come our way, but live, in-person hugs and greetings can’t be replaced.  It’s so satisfying to feel my niece hugging me, and to have the kids squeezing me hard.  I can see the growth in them, but I’m still exuberant that they make time for me and actually want to come see me.  I had a long chat with my cousin too; she’s always said that I pushed her to do more and better and that helped her become successful.  I honestly don’t think that I did much; I used to get her to make my clothes, and I was just thrilled to have someone who could help me dress well.  Sometimes I’d ask her to do things differently, and we’d discuss, then she’d do her thing and I’d look and feel amazing, so I think it worked for both of us!  

I must say, though, that in the over three years since I was last here, every single pothole that was here then is still in the road, and been joined by others!!  Driving is more like slaloming trying to protect your car from broken axels, busted tyres or other such damage!  Then, we’ve been having more rain that usual this year — the pattern of tropical storms is further south than usual, and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) has shifted a bit north, so we’ve been getting soaked.  That’s led to heavy flooding in many areas, and roads being washed out, so it’s not as easy or as safe as it was to get to many places.  I’ve also found that people seem more irritable and impatient than they were.  I’m not sure what’s the cause, really, but they’re more inclined to snap than I remember.  Maybe I’ve been too sheltered and haven’t had to interact with many people for a while so it just seems like they’re more annoyed, and they’re not, really.  But I’ll just continue being pleasant and polite as far as possible and save my sarcasm for the really necessary times.

It’s approaching time for my boys to get here!  I’m looking forward to my hugs because it’s been too long!  The tiny babies are now 30 and 28!!!  Where did the time go?  I’ll break into a chorus of Sunrise, Sunset in a minute… but I’m just giddy with delight at seeing everyone.  It would be nice if I could be in multiple places at once, then I’d never have to miss anyone!  Meanwhile, I’ll just enjoy the moment.  Good night!


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