Holiday day 4

There was an impressive thunderstorm this morning before 7. The rest of the day was cool and overcast, a big difference from yesterday’s sunny warmth. Either way, though, it’s all part of the fun and we’re enjoying the end of the school holidays. My boys are well, and don’t seem to be missing me too much, which is both hard to believe and yet, reasonable… they’re probably indulging in feasts of sweet things at levels that they wouldn’t normally be allowed! Jerry has reached the stage of not responding to my voice and turning away from my image on the phone, so I’m officially being ignored! Don seems to be feeling a bit better and sleeping reasonably well, although I’m equally sure that he’s telling me partial truths and hiding details that he thinks I won’t notice since I only see his face on the screen. I am recovering from the trip; it’s taking a little longer than I expected, although I knew that it would be difficult for me. I’m sleeping well, th...