Long weekend

It’s soooo much more comfortable the last two days!  The temperature dropped by over 10 degrees and it’s lovely.  Slightly overcast, but whatever.  Last night almost required a sweater, it had dropped so much with a strong breeze!  It’s just great!  Jerry is sprightlier than he was, and is jumping on and off of laps and wriggling into all sorts of interesting positions to have his tummy and ears and feet all petted and scratched and generally spoiled.  He snuck in to try to go to bed with me, but I’m still somewhat poisonous to him so I had to throw him out… I felt so horribly guilty!  Don’s still in pain, and is having difficulty walking, although he’s binge watching as many shows as he can in the lull between endless baseball games (that game is unbelievably boring! 🥱) and Friday night football.  My only relief is that there’s no hockey just yet, but that won’t last long…

I slept quite well last night; the lower temperature and breeze made it very comfortable.  My only concern these days is that left to myself, I’d probably sleep for 12-14 hours.  I make myself get up at the same time every day, just to ensure that I don’t become a lie-a-bed.  I’d like some extra energy to do some cooking; after improving with my workers, I’m back again with men… I did talk to the government coordinator who is working on making things better.

For some reason, I was thinking about when we were children and got to go on TV as part of a promotion for Colgate children’s toothpaste.  I’d completely forgotten about that… I must have been maybe 5?  My youngest sister wasn’t born yet, and my brother was too young to join my other sister and I.  They gave us little kits of toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash and these little tablets that showed areas that you missed when brushing your teeth.  Other than in that kit, I’ve never seen those anywhere; and I really don’t know why my mind went wandering into the past like that.  I then remembered the few dance classes that I took; I enjoyed the dancing, but I was horribly shy and hated being questioned (which they did to try to encourage the students to get more involved) and didn’t want to talk, so they made fun of me for standing quietly.  I’ve overcome that since, as anyone will tell you — me standing quietly in a group hasn’t happened for decades!  Isn’t it strange, though, the things that we remember, and that we can remember things out of sequence sometimes!

So today I was watching some videos on Facebook (a time waster, I know!) when I got a notification to approve a login to one of my accounts.  I was stunned, as I wasn’t trying to login anywhere — thankfully my Authentication app popped up and alerted me, so I denied access.  I’ve once again reviewed my security settings and passwords— it’s freaky!  My neighbour down the hall told me that his phone had been hacked and things like his credit cards were accessed… turns out that he hadn’t secured his phone strongly, and after weeks of working to clean up the mess, he’s doing a lot more to protect himself.  

Not much else to add.  I felt like I was in a train station today with all the people in and out, which also annoys the dog.  Tomorrow I have a few visits scheduled as well, then a day of no plans, which I may spend dozing… or, hopefully, I’ll have enough energy to cook some interesting meals!  Good night!


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