
This is from my dear friend and brother who does some amazing work with flowers and other decorations… this is for a wedding he’s working on this weekend.  It’s a warm, sunny day that isn’t too hot, and there’s a pleasant breeze, making it comfortable.  I’ve been a dog bed, trampoline, scratching post and ball thrower for a bit, but his tiny bossiness is lying on the back of the sofa with his head and front paws on Don’s shoulder looking neglected and sad because there’s nothing for him to mooch.  He’ll be back over here soon, I’m sure, once he realizes that there’s no food there.  Don is still grumbling that he feels  cold; and his leg continues to ache and refuses to seek medical help.  I’ve got him to watch a few British shows (he doesn’t like them, he says) including ones with cricket matches which makes me happy.

I again didn’t sleep too well last night, this time because there was an itch in my back in an area that I can’t easily reach, and it just persisted all night long!  My worker gave it a really deep scratch, then we moisturized the area and hopefully it will give me some relief and some sleep tonight!  I had arranged for someone to help with cooking today, but they cancelled last minute… I’m starting to think that nobody wants to work with me!  Anyway, I’d already taken out the meat from the freezer so I burned through all my energy to make some spaghetti sauce to have for dinner.  I just ate and I feel completely full, although I didn’t finish my plate (the leftovers will go in the fridge for tomorrow)  

Read a comic this week where one person commented “the days just seem to go by faster all the time.  I can’t find a pause button for them!”  I feel like that sometimes.  It feels like it was just January and here we are, mid-August.  If not for my blogs, I’d have no idea that time was slipping by so fast!  What’s worse, and rubs in the passage of time, is how the kids have grown!  They just go from tiny to independent almost overnight!  Facebook memories has been showing pictures of my elder niece, my mom and aunt on her first visit to Canada.  She was 8, tiny, with a winning smile and a willingness to experiment.  The photos include her at a farmer’s market trying new fruit looking very tiny, then I got a picture of her yesterday at a water park, looking very elegant and much older.  There’s no way that 11 years have flashed by that quickly!

I think I may have to stop watching memories for a while; I’m on the brink of becoming maudlin.  I feel like I’m circling a depression and trying hard to not fall into it.  It’s not as simple as “just be positive” as there are so many balls being juggled and I feel a bit strained.  I won’t go into it too much, as I don’t want more messages saying “when you feel sorry for yourself, read <article about someone dying from an aggressive cancer>” or being told that I’m too negative.  Here’s hoping I get a good night’s sleep, as that’s curative.  Good night


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