
It’s a lovely day today, with loads of sun and a bit of a breeze and not too humid, although I can see some lowering black clouds not far away, so it may change, but I’m fine with that.  I don’t have Jerry — who is ignoring me and refusing to acknowledge me on the phone — but I do have Radix, who seems to think that my toes are a snack and has been trying to lick every part of me that he can reach, when he’s not trying to climb into my lap or jump in my chair (where he’s not allowed)  I spoke with Don this morning, and he’s ok.  He said that he was sleeping late and that the temperature had dropped overnight.  I had someone drop by to check on him today, and she cooked so he’ll have something to eat for a day or so, which is a relief to me since I’m a few hundred kilometres away!

So the train journey was, in itself, fine.  They fed me a delicious meal (chicken yakitori, rice and cabbage; with a berry cobbler for dessert) and I ate almost all of it, plus a piece of raspberry chocolate and a cup of tea.  My sister picked me up at the train station, and we headed home.  The challenge was that I was exhausted and in tremendous pain by the end of the trip.  Sitting for over 5 hours is really painful for me.  By the time I debarked, I couldn’t stand for more than a few seconds, and when we got home I was too tired to eat.  Fortunately after resting for about an hour I felt restored enough to eat something and went to bed early.  I had to take some pain medication, which I haven’t needed for a while just to be a bit more comfortable.  After a decent sleep, I feel better today, but still somewhat tired, so it’s good that we don’t have any plans while I recover.  My sister has ensured that I eat, and I’ve eaten more today than I have for the past few days on average, without needing Ensure.  This just underscores that I need someone to help me with meal planning and preparation so that I don’t have to use a lot of energy cooking.

When we arrived last night, the small people hadn’t been told that I was coming, so when they saw me on the doorstep they looked stunned.  Then my nephew started doing his excited dance, my niece came to hug me and they started talking over each other to ask how I got there, how long I was staying, why I came, and telling me all the things they’d done that day.  It was just so loving and sweet and it was fun, but cut short because I was so tired.  I asked to be excused from dinner so I could sleep, and my niece said, “No, you have to eat before you go to sleep.  So put some food in your mouth and chew.”  We struggled not to laugh at how serious she was, and her mom explained that I was an adult (she laughed at that!) so I could decide not to eat if I didn’t want and I was tired, so I could go to sleep… she looked very disapproving, but allowed it… They came into the bedroom this morning before going to daycare.  I heard my nephew saying, “I dreamed Auntie Sonja was here, but she’s not here, because I don’t see her.”  Then he came in, and gave a big smile and climbed on the bed with me.  I’m now being told that I need to make clothes for the baby doll and tell stories and there are books to be read, so I think I’ll be very busy for my visit 😆 

We just had afternoon snacks which were some awesome donuts; and shared various ones.  I was told that I can’t say that I don’t like something if I don’t try it, so there you go… life instructions from a 5-year old LOL.  It’s now time for stories, so I’ve got to go.  Good night!


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