Short one

It’s warm today, but reasonably comfortable with a light breeze and lots of sunshine.  The humidity is lower too, making it easier to breathe so that’s great.  Jerry is bouncy and very active, and is feeling very playful, so that means that he’s cooler and now has some spare energy to burn off… poor me!  Don finds it less difficult to breathe today, although his leg is still giving him problems.  I had a lovely time binging my shows, since there weren’t any games, and I’ve instituted a 15-minute limit on US politics per day.  (It may get reduced to 5 minutes soon.  What a gong show!)

It was a bit of a busy day today.  I was woken up at 7am by a telemarketer… I was expecting my nurse to call, or I’d have let it go to voicemail.  My nurse did show up, but she was an hour later than she’d predicted.  Then I was supposed to meet the manager of the care agency today — she bailed.  I’d like to pretend to be surprised, but that goes with her history; always cancelling at (or after) the last minute, so no resolution yet to my issue — and just to finish this, the support worker called an hour late to say that they were running behind and left an incomplete number (missing the last 2 digits) for me to return their call!  On the up side, my parish priest came by to give me anointing of the sick, which I very much appreciated.  He also met Jerry, who began by barking loudly at the stranger in his house, then jumped on the priest’s lap and kissed him all over and rolled into a ball for petting!  My little defender!

It’s a lovely evening, so I think I’ll sit on the balcony for a bit (as long as my back will tolerate it anyway) and figure out what I’ll eat for dinner.  I’ve got a few phone calls to make also, so that will take up a chunk of my time.  Enjoy your evening.  Good night!


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