
It was hot, muggy, sunny and a little difficult to breathe easily today.  Beautiful sunshine, perfect for being on the water somewhere, but it’s definitely not all that comfortable if you’re just outdoors.  The fans are going full blast, just because it’s so still.  Storms are forecast for the weekend, so that will help cool things off a bit.  As for his tiny bossiness, he’s been nibbling at my leg to demand space on my lap or else stretched out in some bizarre positions on my lap to get his tummy rubbed and take a bit of a nap.  Silly puppy!  He was overexcited for some reason, and barked at everything.  Don mentioned that he’s been having nightmares lately, of the vague sort, which are interfering with his sleep.  There will be sports tonight, so that should keep him occupied and probably help him sleep better 😝 

I went to sleep quite early last night; I was feeling so drained!  Then I kept waking up every couple of hours for no reason… I felt more rested this morning, which is good.  One of my friends dropped off some groceries for me, which I really appreciate; I’ve now got fresh cherries to gorge on for a few days… and a few items for meals, so I will be ok for a bit.  

So… I had said to my sister-friend that I wanted to go to the mall; I haven’t been in several years, and I just wanted to get out.  She said that she hadn’t been in a long while herself; in fact, I think the last time I went was with her pre-pandemic!  Anyway, she picked me up at 11:15 this morning and off we went.  Well, let me just say that my ambition seriously exceeded my energy and capability.  We were able to park just outside the door, thanks to the handicap sticker I have, and walked in.  Our main destination is just down a hall (maybe 100/150m) and maybe 10m to the left.  So not far, right?  I had to sit twice before we got to the store, although once was for us to have coffee and share a cinnamon roll.  Once in the store, I headed for the “husband chair” and established myself where I could look at the clothes without getting up (although I did go and have a look at a few dresses) while we chatted with the staff we knew.  The dresses I saw and liked were… too big for me, even the smallest size.  It’s shocking and somewhat discouraging.  My original idea (when I didn’t think) was for us to get lunch — I couldn’t walk that far.  Going back to the car, I had to take a short rest, and since I’ve been home, I’ve been resting as I’m shaking from exertion a bit.  I did too much, I know, but I’m not complaining; I’m glad I went and got out and saw that the world continues.  I mentioned to Don that in the past I’d go to that mall, walk in from across the parking lot, do the interior a few times and never need to sit, even if I’d done loads of shopping!  How times have changed…

My helper arrived, made me a chicken sandwich and I had a slice of (lemon poppyseed) cake with a cup of tea.  I feel a little over full, but it’s fine.  I think I’ll head to bed early again; I definitely need some rest after all the excitement!  Good night.


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