
My sister sent this from her birthday picnic last weekend… I’m jealous!  It continues to be blazing hot and muggy and there are storms forecast, but judging from the details they aren’t likely to be serious.  Jerry is still unhappy with the heat, and will prefer the expected cooler weather at the start of the week.  Don is still suffering from the heat and pain in his legs, and I still don’t know what to do to help; but he’s bone stubborn.

So, good news!  I’ve been assigned the PSW I requested (but was told wasn’t available as she had too many hours) for 4 hours a week of my assigned 8.  It seems that the calls from my doctor’s office had an effect!  We’ll just have to work on the other 4 hours and get them down to zero with the odd substitution for holidays and illness… I’m pleased, and I’m sure that I’ll sleep better tonight (except for the heat, which continues to be worse than tropical!). 

You guys are awesome, and clearly know your ice creams!  I’ve received several recommendations for ones to try, including a homemade, doesn’t require an ice cream maker, variety!  I plan to have fun trying a few of them to find a new favourite.  The hospital yesterday gave me a sample of a new product called Ensure clear.  It’s a juice-based product, and is not a meal replacement like the regular one, and it does taste like juice.  It’s a great snack or supplement, so now I’m searching for it to get some for the summer.  It’s quite refreshing served cold and not as heavy (obviously) as the regular stuff.  Amazon, source of all things deliverable, offers it but at astronomical prices:  $174 for a case of 24.  I don’t think that’s reasonable at all, so I’ll be checking for options.

I just had a decent dinner; Greek chicken, rice and salad.  It’s the most I’ve eaten in a while, so that’s good.  I’ll add that I have a little more energy than I expected although I still feel wiped after yesterday.  Based on past experiences, tomorrow will be rough, although if the storms come through it will be nice to relax.  I’ll binge a few silly comedies and just relax; it’s good to see some changes!  Good night.


  1. Happt u are enjoy better days cous yep the weather hot socks have a bless weekend


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