Skip day

It’s definitely been a cool, wet day that feels like early autumn and I’m almost inclined to dig out a sweater or blanket.  Summer isn’t over yet, obviously, but at the moment I’m enjoying the cooler weather and the fact that I’m not sweating profusely.  Jerry is feeling very energetic and playful, and has unintentionally managed to leave several scratches on my leg which are very red and sore.  He’s quite unhappy at having been evicted after he inflicted them and is now on the sofa sulking and glaring at me.  Don is feeling a little better now but is also a bit drained from the pain.  Yesterday on the way to my appointment at the hospital he was having a lot of difficulty walking because his knee “locked up”… I felt like a combination of Torquemada and Savonarola tormenting a prisoner— I couldn’t do much to help, and he was suffering badly.

My appointment went as expected, and we will go ahead with chemo tomorrow.  The resident who came in to see me commented that my tumour was “interesting” as she’d never encountered one on the left side… Doctors who call things “interesting” always make me nervous.  I over exerted myself yesterday because Don wasn’t doing well, so when we got home and back upstairs I just fell asleep… then I had difficulty falling asleep last night.  This morning I confused the arrival time of my nurse and got up over an hour earlier than I needed but I was very sleepy and struggling to keep awake.  After she left I crawled back into bed and went back to sleep.  In some good news, the provincial coordinator’s manager called me to say that they were working on the issues that I had reported and recommended that they establish a written agreement which would specify all the tasks that they are to do for me (which, incidentally, include most of the items that the care agency’s manager said were not to be done) to improve my care.  I agreed to that, so we’ll get that set up soon.

I got a call yesterday so I could participate in a “back to school” fashion show… my niece and nephew were modelling their new school clothes.  They were very excited and were trying to turn cartwheels and pirouettes to show off their stuff.  I was listening to an excited babble of their thoughts of the new clothes, the way skirts flared when she turned a pirouette, he was showing me the dinosaurs and the cars on his shirts, they showed off their new raincoats and finally their new party/dress shoes and clothes.  They were so thrilled to demonstrate everything and I was so happy that I was included.  Always fun.  My elder niece messaged to say that she’s managed to get a job for weekends during the next term and for the holidays.  She’s also happy to have this as it’s some definite experience to add to her resume.

That’s all for today; I’m going to take my medication and have some supper then go to bed early.  My appointment is fairly early tomorrow morning so I need some rest.  Good night!


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