
It’s a warm and sunny midsummer day, with a bit of a haze and moderate humidity.  Got to enjoy these kinds of days!  Jerry is being snuggly and shadowing me everywhere… I haven’t been able to go to the kitchen unaccompanied.  Don continues to improve slowly, which is reassuring, as he’s in much less pain.  He’s also been glued to the baseball and football games on TV, so I’m catching up on other shows and books, because baseball has got to be THE most boring game to watch (other than golf or stock racing or… well, there’s a list.)

I slept quite well last night, despite waking up a few times.  I think that my new meds are helping with my appetite, which is good, except that I’m eating more than I have available!  I have worked my way through almost all the frozen meals I have in the freezer, even those I’m now a little tired of eating.  I had an odd sensation today when I felt shaky and weak, and was too tired to eat, although I didn’t do anything strenuous.  It’s really strange.  Thankfully, though, my worker was here this afternoon and she helped me to pack most of my things, so all I need to add are things like toiletries, medicine and chargers, which makes life easier for me.  Glad to have that taken care of, I tell you!  

I’m so looking forward to seeing my sisters — my older sister is coming also for a short visit — and the kids.  I’d really prefer it if I were stronger and could make the trip home to Trinidad for a few weeks, but I continue to be optimistic that this will be possible.  NOBODY is to pop that bubble, do you understand?  I’ve got dreams that I’d like to fulfill, and until they become completely impossible, they can still happen!!

My goddaughter has been sharing videos with me of the “swag” that she’s received from vendors for Fashion Week.  There’s a small mountain of boxes in her room, each packed with loads of makeup and supplies.  I’m super excited watching her unpack, and I can hear the thrill in her voice as she pulls things out.  I laughed and asked her how will she get all that back home with her?  There’s a lot of makeup!  She hasn’t answered yet, although I think she hopes to have used a lot of it next week when she’s working.  Everything looks so beautiful, so I hope she gets tremendous satisfaction from using the products.

I’ve got to get together the small gifts I have for the little people that I didn’t ship — they are small, and fit in a small pouch, so I hope they will enjoy them.  Also planning to try to see some relatives in the area while visiting, which will be great.  I know I’ll be tired, but I will just rest and recover.  That’s all for today.  Good night.


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