
The weather has been pretty nice for the last few days, but today is hotter than it was. Not dreadful, but definitely hot and muggy. It’s reminding us that it’s still summer even though nighttime temperatures are cooler and reminiscent of the upcoming autumn. According to one forecast, we’re in for a cold, snowy winter around here, so we’ll see. Jerry is on my feet after having tried to separate me from my meal and then been evicted from my lap where he’d spread himself out to nap and insist on being petted and spoiled. Don was walking very gingerly today around the apartment and wincing a lot. He’s also been grumbling about pain in his thigh and is using hot and cold patches to try to reduce the ache. I’m not sure it’s working as he’s been a little grumpy if there’s any discussion of walking or moving a lot.
I have some good news and some not great news. The not great news is that I couldn’t sleep properly last night. Again, I was tired, but just couldn’t fall into a restful sleep so I feel tired and ragged today. The good news is that I found someone to help me with cooking a couple of days a week, so that will, I hope, help with improving my intake! She was here yesterday and made me a lasagna which will provide almost a dozen meals, so that’s a start! We’ll do some other stuff tomorrow, and I should be set for a week at least plus freezer food!
I was indulging in some extreme fantasies last night while I was trying to fall asleep. I planned several trips, most of which are now very far beyond my powers. Things like following the route of Odysseus (not taking 10 years to do it, though) and seeing the sirens, the clash of Scylla and Charybdis, the Cyclops and so on… followed by a trip through the route of Sindbad’s seven voyages. Those myths are just so fascinating, with the incredible monsters, sorcerers and other dangers. I’d also skip their various shipwrecks because, well, that’s no fun. The travels of Rama to rescue Sita (although I continue to have issues with his stupid “purity” test, obnoxious twat) and the various journeys in the Mahabharata… following the first ships to cross the Pacific and Atlantic and learning how they managed to navigate unknown waters. All kinds of things like that, which are very exciting but also physically demanding, even if I’m on a well-appointed cruise ship!
You can tell I was tired, just from what I dreamt up… I’m heading in early tonight since I’m booked to go out tomorrow with my sister-friend and I know I will be tired afterwards. I’m going to make a few calls and then head in to get some rest… here’s hoping for a good sleep! Good night
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