Well, fall weather is in full swing. Below zero overnight, above 20C daytime. No wonder people get sick! Those swings are definitely hard on the body, and worse with downpours (like most of the day) with strong winds and flurries. We had our first snow of the season overnight; it didn’t last, but it was temporarily white. I’ve had a dog on my lap getting tangled in the crochet blanket most of the day. He gets upset because his claws get trapped and I get upset because it’s going to leave holes. Don was feeling a bit more energetic today, so that’s always encouraging for me. My hydration is continuing, and I have a little more energy and my blood pressure is creeping up, which is good (it was in the 70s, so abysmal) I’m also able to eat a bit more, although I’m not sure if I’m gaining any weight. My clothes are of no use as an indicator, as everything is overly large on me, so I can’t tell if things are bigger or not. I can probably fit a second person into my winter coat, and