
Well, fall weather is in full swing.  Below zero overnight, above 20C daytime.  No wonder people get sick!  Those swings are definitely hard on the body, and worse with downpours (like most of the day) with strong winds and flurries.  We had our first snow of the season overnight; it didn’t last, but it was temporarily white.  I’ve had a dog on my lap getting tangled in the crochet blanket most of the day.  He gets upset because his claws get trapped and I get upset because it’s going to leave holes.  Don was feeling a bit more energetic today, so that’s always encouraging for me.

My hydration is continuing, and I have a little more energy and my blood pressure is creeping up, which is good (it was in the 70s, so abysmal)  I’m also able to eat a bit more, although I’m not sure if I’m gaining any weight.  My clothes are of no use as an indicator, as everything is overly large on me, so I can’t tell if things are bigger or not.  I can probably fit a second person into my winter coat, and as for sweaters, they’re easily big enough for me and a large second person.  I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong — any of the private service people I’ve hired show up once or twice then they vanish, don’t respond to calls or texts and I’m left without help.  One would be unfortunate, but now there’s more and I’m at a loss as to what I’ve done to cause this reaction.  I’m searching again for assistance, and trying to maximize the use of my support workers.  Wish me luck.

So I had an argument with myself and my sister talked sense into me.  I was thinking that I’d like to spend some time being pampered, but I also thought it was being selfish to do that.  My sister just replied “you spelt ‘self-care’ wrong.”  So now I’m in search of a good hotel with a spa for an overnight staycation.  I’m finding, though, that it’s more complicated than I expected.  I need a location that is accessible so that the room can’t have a tub; the location needs to have ramps/elevators so I can get around; change rooms need to have seats; and restaurants need to have menus that are acceptable.  I found one place where I can’t eat anything on the restaurant menu.  I can’t eat beef, but I do eat poultry, fish and seafood.  This restaurant offers a selection of beef tartare, steak, stir fried flank steak… and fries cooked in suet (beef fat)  How they then label themselves as “healthy” is a question for others to answer.  Others have stairs in the spa area, or stairs from one level to another, or a very limited number of accessible rooms.  I honestly never realized how complicated this could be.  My other observation is that there should be more regularly spaced seats in long hallways in hotels/malls, etc.  Until I became restricted in my ability to move around I never really noticed, but it’s becoming more and more obvious that these small accommodations can make a big difference.  One of my girlfriends will be coming with me, so I’ll have company, but I can’t really expect her to carry me around, now can I?  😝 

My worker should be here soon, and she will make something for my dinner.  I’m half frozen; it’s got colder throughout the day, and I just can’t warm up.  I’m wrapped in a sweater (hugely oversized) and a blanket, but I’m still cold… I’ll have to give up and turn on the heat… it’s early for that, but my comfort is a big deal.  Good night!


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