
Did you read it or sing it?  😝  I admit that I started singing it by the third panel, leading to belting out the rest of the song.  Don is amazed that I’ve never actually seen the movie, but I enjoy the song.  Jerry is pawing at me to get on my lap because my iPad is taking up space… he tries to commandeer my lap when I’m on the phone, typing on my laptop, eating, talking to Don, reading or just generally not paying attention to his tiny bossiness.  His next move will be to get a mouthful of kibble and eat it on my slippers until I let him up, because he is a persistent, preposterous puppy!  Poor Don is tired, struggling to breathe, having pain in his leg and finding it hard to walk.  I sympathize, I really do, and I’d like to find a way to help him.  Incidentally, he’s happy as his preferred team won the cup, so he’s looking annoyingly smug!

I just could not wake up this morning.  I had a bit of difficulty during the night, but less than usual, and this morning I just kept falling asleep.  I finally dragged myself out of bed at 12:15pm and that’s only because the occupational therapist was due!  My voice was weak… I have no idea what’s happening, but I was breathless and raspy.  Hot tea helped and it’s improving but I still have a weak voice.  I’m eating, which is good, and I got a huge delivery of frozen meals, so that should cover about 2-3 weeks.  The government is suspending sales tax from December 14, so I’ll hold off on other purchases until then to save a few pennies.  In today’s PSW chronicles, she somehow managed to pull the towel rack off the wall when she was rehanging a damp one after my shower.  I took photos and emailed the agency to notify them and advise that I would be submitting the bill for repairs for reimbursement.  I have no idea how she did that, except that I’ve complained before that she’s rough…

I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a distorted view of my body.  I’m so used to buying large sizes that the fact that I’m now 2-dimensional and tiny hasn’t registered.  Almost everything I own is 8-10 sizes too big, which is OK with sweaters for staying home, but not so much for pants, or anything to wear outdoors.  It might be nice if my feet also got a little smaller so that I wear the same size as my sisters; they wear 7-8, I’m a 10, so I can’t borrow their shoes.  My goddaughter and I wear the same size but she’s too far away.

Going to find a meal now; I feel less than great, but it will improve after some rest.  I’m going to bed early after this too.  Good night.


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