
It’s been beautifully warm the last few days, with highs above 20C.  I’m in my happy element with that, I assure you.  It’s rainy, windy, heavily overcast, but warm, so I’ll take that happily.  I prefer the warm, even with rain, over cold and chilly… that is not a surprise to anyone, right?  Jerry is having routine outbursts of barking… he’ll be lying on the sofa, and suddenly start barking, running to the door and sounding quite vicious  I have no idea why; there’s nobody at the door, nobody in the hallway and no reason for the noise.  He also ignores all commands and I’m at a loss to know what to do.  Don, thankfully, has a bit of energy and has been more mobile than previously, so I am happy and relieved about that.  There are some moments of stiffness and aches, but he seems to be in good shape.  

I got my new walker today!  (See photo)  The loaner will go back soon, and since it was a warm day we decided to take a drive and look at what’s available.  This little one folds up to be quite compact, and it’s fairly lightweight with a convenient folding basket, nice stable wheels, good seat and a reasonably comfortable seat.  It’s also covered by the Assistive Devices Program, which covers a large part of the cost, so I think it’s excellent.  I’m also happy to report that I was able to walk to the car easily — something I haven’t been able to do for a while — and back.  My energy disappeared when I had to open the fire door, which is stupidly heavy!  I almost fell trying to push the thing open, but I finally got it, and then had to catch my breath.  I think that the hydration has been helpful in helping me regain some of my energy.  I don’t know why I was so dehydrated, but fingers crossed it’s improving.

I want to extend my deepest condolences to our American neighbours, who have opted for bigotry, hatred, misogyny and division.  It’s a dreadful shock to me, and I’m without words as to how disgusting this outcome is.  I do not comment on politics as you know, but this is so egregious that it can’t be allowed to pass without a comment.  If anyone thinks that this is a good outcome, then we either peaceably agree to disagree, or you are free to exit like King Lear (look it up)  My hope is that this is enough to shock Canadians into not following suit with our own hatefilled, narrow minded, extremist supremacist who “wants to be Caliph instead of the Caliph” (look it up.)  You’ve got 4 years, Americans.  Do better.

I’m a few days behind on some of my volunteer work.  I will need to focus very closely over the next little while to catch up and get them sorted; it’s unfair for me to keep people waiting.  I will be busy therefore for the next week or so… Good night!


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