
The little shaggy dog is the birthday puppy who celebrates his 9th birthday today.  His tiny bossiness managed to get into bed with me and settled in for loads of cuddles all day long!  I got to my chair, and there was a dog.  I tried to eat… dog.  Reading?  Dog.  I’m not complaining, it’s just amusing that he’s decided that I’m his favourite today (he’s hugging his new favourite toy at the moment.)  Silly puppy… he’s been very affectionate all day!  Don is in pretty decent shape today although he found it hard to breathe (so did I) this morning and settled into a comfortable spot to watch recorded sports and “entertainment” news… He’s playing on his phone now, and enjoying himself hugely if the grin on his face is any indication 😁

I just couldn’t wake up this morning, after heading in to bed late last night.  I was wiped out, can’t explain why, and it carried over to this morning.  I couldn’t get out of bed until the afternoon - one friend said it’s obvious that my body needed the rest, so settle down.  Don brought me my morning tea (we have an ongoing discussion about the tea bag; I insist that it shouldn’t be left in as it makes the tea bitter, he says that if I take it out too quickly the tea will be weak.  It won’t, if the water is boiling and it’s left for the time it takes to find and pour the milk and refill the kettle.)  Anyway, I had the tea and felt a little more human, then had one of my frozen meals.  I’ll eat in a few minutes; Don is in the kitchen 😊

In today’s PSW chronicles… the worker arrived and I asked her to do laundry.  Well, I told her that she would need to get the key for the laundry room; it’s on the rack, key with an orange fob.  She walks past the rack to look in the microwave oven.  After me telling her about 20 times “it’s on your right hand side, next to you” she finally realized that there were keys, and she selected the blue key ring.  🙄  I had to go with her to the laundry room as we got new cards and I needed to activate mine.  It’s a good thing I did; I turned around from the payment kiosk to see her loading the dirty laundry into the dryer.  I took a deep breath, said, “That’s the dryer.  You have to use the washer first”  She looked dazed and then I stood over her to ensure that she didn’t overload the machine… I got back up and immediately sent an email to the agency to ask them to please ensure that the workers they send out are at least minimally competent!!  I mean, heavens to Betsy (whoever she is) how stoned must you be to do that?

I’m asking for prayers for my cousin’s husband who is recovering from a triple bypass and is having a challenging time.  He’s the main breadwinner, and my cousin has been struggling with her own health issues, so they need all the prayers and support that is possible.  Their elder daughter has moved back home to help out, especially at night, and I do wish that I could do more for them.  

It promises to be cold overnight, possibly with rain… neither thing thrills me, mostly because the rain will make it colder!  Got my warm blanket, socks, sweater and setting up for a hot drink.  Good night!


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