multum in parvo

My nurse arrived early today, and put me in bed jail; sort of. She said that I need to rest, and I can't do anything, and I have to take a nap this afternoon. <sigh> That was because I am in a lot of pain today, and she's not happy with my available meds. I had to call the doctors, leave a message, and say that I needed a new prescription. <sigh> again.. I'll follow her instructions and rest, so that might be good. Another early night is in order. I hope that things improve tomorrow. As for the meds-I currently . have a choice between heavy-duty painkiller narcotics, and Tylenol regular, and she thinks that an anti-inflammatory might be a better choice. I don't know. I'm not crazy about more meds, but relief is desirable! Unfortunately, because of my pain, Jerry was banished from my lap today. I expect to be served with a lawsuit for cruel treatment of a Schnoodle any day now! He was locked in the other room during the nurse's visit, and voiced his d...